View Full Version : Warning!Exploding Baked Beans!

04-04-2014, 08:17 PM
Just been browzing thro the days newswpaper,(again) n noticed this warning.A couple were awoken at 3am,thinking a bomb had gone off in their home.But nothing seemed amiss?The next day though Ben opened a cupboard to find Llidl Campo Largo Beans everywere!
Ben says,the can had blown its top.....Llidl are investigating!
Have a look out for bulging tins in your "Cooking Kit"!!

Next article
Not so Carphill.
Motorists in Carphilly,are the least likely to keep their cars in safe nick,says the DVLA.

Wonder why???

04-04-2014, 08:51 PM
Ever seen the state of the roads in Caerphilly? I though we had pot holes till I experienced these coming from Senghenydd :mad2:
As for the beans.. any terrorist organisation taking responsibility :p T.Y for the heads up.

04-04-2014, 09:02 PM
A tin of beans with a bit of wind. Not the first time I have heard that.

04-04-2014, 09:46 PM
Ever seen the state of the roads in Caerphilly? I though we had pot holes till I experienced these coming from Senghenydd :mad2:
As for the beans.. any terrorist organisation taking responsibility :p T.Y for the heads up.
Think the state of the roads everywere are terrible David.As for a terrorist organisation claiming responsibility,for the Baked Beans Explosion.Dont think its I.R.A.Al kiada.?most likely F.A.R.T.

05-04-2014, 09:41 AM
if you want to see bad roads come to the I.O.M

05-04-2014, 10:19 AM
I remember many years ago, we were about 15 or 16, we'd spent the day live role playing, with the intent of camping out in the woods at night and continuing the game the next day.
We made camp and got a fire going. Then one of the group pulled a tin of beans out of his pack, looked at the fire, and said, 'well, I suppose I'd better start warming these up.'
And then put the can (unopened) in the fire.
Someone else turned to him and said, 'how are you going to get that out of the fire, and then open it, without burning yourself?'
There was a pause.
Then someoen said, 'Didn't you open the can, or put a hole in the top?'
He shook his head.
'That'll explode when it gets hot.'
It did. About 45 minutes later.

05-04-2014, 01:33 PM
Not called 'blown tins' for nothing.

Had a large tin of sauerkraut blow a few years ago, not a nice smell at all.

05-04-2014, 04:15 PM
I remember many years ago, we were about 15 or 16, we'd spent the day live role playing, with the intent of camping out in the woods at night and continuing the game the next day.
We made camp and got a fire going. Then one of the group pulled a tin of beans out of his pack, looked at the fire, and said, 'well, I suppose I'd better start warming these up.'
And then put the can (unopened) in the fire.
Someone else turned to him and said, 'how are you going to get that out of the fire, and then open it, without burning yourself?'
There was a pause.....


05-04-2014, 05:15 PM
i remember going to a wetherspoons in liverpool with my ex maybe say 5 years ago i made our normal order of burger chips and a pint we waited as normal food came rather quick as we where the only people in there when i noticed i had no sauce on my burger so i went the bar got a fresh unopend bottle of good ol heinz trotted back to the table opend the bottle when the horror happend the glass bottle litrelly exploded when i opend it covering me her and more importantly my newly born daughter in rancid rotten tomato sauce and glass after litrelly going nuts and dragging the manager over the bar we called heinz to find out the batch was contaminated and was causing the bottles to ferment causing gas to build up... i had my hand patched up heinz payed for our meal we got a complimentary voucher from spoons for £150 and they payed for dry cleaning and new baby cloths and pram on the spot on the phone so yher i dread to think if a can exploded...

05-04-2014, 06:29 PM
This was just a tin of beans? Not Bangers and Beans? :rolleye: ;)

07-04-2014, 10:49 AM
This was just a tin of beans? Not Bangers and Beans? :rolleye: ;)
:happy-clapping: lol