View Full Version : SAD n VERY ALARMING Scout Burnt!

12-04-2014, 02:18 PM
Just reading my Daily Mirror P23.Boy Scout teased for failing tolight a fire burnt down Dad's shed in £10,000 inferno....A Scout was mocked because he couldn't light a fire sparked a blaze so big he was nearly killed....Edward Hawkins 14yrs old,lit astack of wood doused in petrol in his garden......the fire soon spread to his dads shed,wich contained gas cylinders n expensive tools... n edward becaime engulfed in flame as he tried to empy the shed....Neighbours raced to throw wet blankets over him.....firefighters said the gas canisters were seconds from exploding....This all camame about because the scouts teased him when he couldn't gethis fire going...?....the teanager from Wainscott,in KENT,is recovering in a special hospital burns unit n might need a skin graft.

Don't play with fire kids!!!and if you are ever in a similar situation,and one off you team can't get his fire going !HELP HIM!We all have to learn!!!Alas Edwards learnt the hard way!!!!

ian c
12-04-2014, 03:11 PM
Hopefully he will not need skin grafts and will recover soon, were the scouts being taught how to light a fire?

12-04-2014, 03:27 PM
I read this one earlier today and couldn't believe the stupidity of the lad concerned. Luckily he escaped serious harm and the superficial burns will heal but come on, how many times will he have been taught in the Scouts not to use petrol on a fire under any circumstances.

12-04-2014, 03:51 PM
It seems some of the basic don'ts have been ignored not to forget being supportive when someone fails, then helping to improve their skills :(

12-04-2014, 03:56 PM
....This all camame about because the scouts teased him when he couldn't gethis fire going...?....

This follows the modern fashion of blaming someone else.

Fall over in the street...blame the council for wobbly paving slabs.
Fall over on the way to school..blame the school because it's icy and they didn't shut the school.
Burn yourself with a take away coffee..blame the shop for using hot water.
Set fire to yourself because you use petrol to start a fire..blame others for laughing at you.

Hope he recovers from his burns and gets a grip, although I expect it's his parents doing the blaming...

12-04-2014, 04:06 PM
This follows the modern fashion of blaming someone else.

Fall over in the street...blame the council for wobbly paving slabs.
Fall over on the way to school..blame the school because it's icy and they didn't shut the school.
Burn yourself with a take away coffee..blame the shop for using hot water.
Set fire to yourself because you use petrol to start a fire..blame others for laughing at you.


12-04-2014, 07:18 PM
....This all camame about because the scouts teased him when he couldn't gethis fire going...?....

This follows the modern fashion of blaming someone else.

Fall over in the street...blame the council for wobbly paving slabs.
Fall over on the way to school..blame the school because it's icy and they didn't shut the school.
Burn yourself with a take away coffee..blame the shop for using hot water.
Set fire to yourself because you use petrol to start a fire..blame others for laughing at you.

Hope he recovers from his burns and gets a grip, although I expect it's his parents doing the blaming...
Agreed. Reckless and foolish behaviour :(...I hope he learned his lesson.

12-04-2014, 09:36 PM
Let us not forget that a child when teased or bullied will never think straight, and is more open to taking actions to prove others wrong.

The problem with any media story is that we are never party to all the facts or have any personal dealings with those involved. All too often the stories are written or shown for dramatic effect and judgement should never be made based upon hearsay. A simple lesson should be learnt as has already been said - never play with fire as nature has a tendency to bite back.

A speedy recovery to the lad concerned and I hope that other individuals involved will also learn their lesson if the story is true. My thoughts also go to the Scout Leaders concerned as I am sure they will not be feeling too great at the moment. You try your best to do right by the young people under your care but hope that they do right by what they have learnt when back at home.

12-04-2014, 09:55 PM
Hear,hear .jus!My thoughts are with them all!