View Full Version : Wobly gas canister adapter.
12-04-2014, 09:18 PM
I ordered this type of adapter to use with the cheaper type of butane gas canisters, and it arrived just before the weekend.
You'd think that it would be very steady with the burner on a tripod like that. But it turns out it has a design flaw that makes it very unsteady. The middle "leg" is lower than the side legs, by at least 0,5 cm, making it very woble on a flat surface. So much that I have to sit an hold my cooking pot so it does not slide right off...
I will have to take a dremel to it to correct it I think...other than that it works grand.
12-04-2014, 11:20 PM
Strange Rune,Would have expected it to wobble if it had been Higher.?.Usually 3 legs don't wobble.As on my converter.!Sure you'll sort it out ?.the saving on gas canisters is well worth it!(well at least in the UK)
12-04-2014, 11:53 PM
Thanks for the heads up Rune.
I have one of the basic ones without the flexi pipe and its a great bit of kit. I was thinking about getting the same as yours the other day. Now that you are happy with it (apart from the wobble !!) I will order one.
Talking about gas cartridges, I was in Barnstable the other day and a camping store had a 50% off sale on. Now I love my sales so I thought I would wipe off the cobwebs from my cash cards and spend some money. The first item I looked at was the gas cannisters that fit the adapter that you have.
With 50% off they were still £5.50 !!. I only pay £3.49 for four full price down here in Camborne. Something tells me that this campiong store are telling little white lies.
13-04-2014, 12:14 AM
Strange Rune,Would have expected it to wobble if it had been Higher.?.Usually 3 legs don't wobble.As on my converter.!Sure you'll sort it out ?.the saving on gas canisters is well worth it!(well at least in the UK)
The problem is that it rests on it's middle "legs". The thing has 2 legs on each arm. And it ends up resting in the inner ones with one outer leg floating in the air.
Well, well, tomorrow I'll take a dremel or a hack saw to the inner legs. They are the problem. Just need to find my safety glasses. Bits keep flying in all directions when I use that thing...
13-04-2014, 12:30 AM
Another gas cansister heads up.
If you order this type of adapter:
These should only be used with burners that have a pre-heating tube, i.e a multifuel type like this MSR Whisperlite:
The reason is that the fuel bottle is designed to lay down on it s side, but only to one direction. This is because inside there is a pipe that goes all the way to the bottom, that has a bend to it, so that where it ends on the bottom it is almost touching the side wall. If you put it the right side up, i.e the pipe pointing up it ensures that the burner only gets gasified fuel, and not the liquid itself. If you place the bottle on it's side with this pipe pointing down, liquid fuel will go right to the burner and the result will be half meter high, yellow flames. (from bitter experience...I melted the piezo igniter on my gas burner doing this.)
This is why the canister attachment has those little legs (see picture in my orginal post). There is a noth in the bottle that it attaches to, and this must always point up.
On burners with a pre-heating tube, you will avoid the problem because the liquid will gasify in the pre heating tube. Just be aware that there may be high yellow flame until the tube is hot enough to heat up the gas.
All in all...I think firing this up under a low tarp or inside a tent should really be avoided...but with responsible use they are safe.
13-04-2014, 02:31 PM
Took a dremel to the burner stand and the problem is fixed. Steady as the Titanic now :-)
14-04-2014, 08:30 AM
Took a dremel to the burner stand and the problem is fixed. Steady as the Titanic now :-)
I was going to suggest just that - grind/cut the middle legs off. :)
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