View Full Version : Carved feathers
Had me a try at carving some feathers to make for a change from mushrooms, signs and spoons, didn't follow any particular pattern just as what i envisioned a feather would look like in the wood i had chosen to use, here is what come out
there will be a few more to come over the next few days i expect as they where pretty enjoyable to carve, nothing like a realism sculpture of a feather yet by any means but there be plenty of time to practice.
cheers for looking
21-05-2014, 10:51 PM
Like them. It is something I was dwelling on having a go at when round the camp fire next week.
22-05-2014, 12:00 AM
i like them,crackin job mate T^...atb kev
22-05-2014, 01:34 AM
Hope you are duly proud of yourself because they are brill :happy-clapping: well done
22-05-2014, 05:40 AM
Are they both carved from beech? If so how did you finish the white one? They are very cool looking, really nice job. T^
dave budd
22-05-2014, 07:47 AM
very cool :)
22-05-2014, 09:07 AM
Really nice work there T^
cheers guys, i would recommend having a go jus, nice little project that can be added to over time if you struggle with some parts, the beech wood one had alot more loose splayed bits around the bottom but they broke off while carving the other side, to much pressure applied along with the grain running the wrong way for the strength needed, but managed to save it, would be very interested in seeing your carving jus.
Frax the more robin hood looking feather is beech wood, as for the native american golden eagle style feather i have no clue to what wood it is, i reclaimed it from a pallet, it seems to be like a fruit wood but is very soft like lime wood but abit more spintery and the grain tears out if the tools are not ground quite shallow. both are finished with a 180 grit to take any sharp, square edges off, then just a heavy coat of vegetable oil over the whole thing.
thanks again guys glad you liked them
22-05-2014, 05:10 PM
T^ Some fine work there...for a few seconds I thought they were real! :D
22-05-2014, 09:31 PM
A wee nib affixed on the end for a pen.. :wink:
23-05-2014, 10:41 PM
Real nice and got to say, you must have some deft hands!!!
27-05-2014, 04:10 PM
Keep coming back to these, really like them!!
27-05-2014, 07:29 PM
Keep coming back to these, really like them!!
You are not alone there Blood, I knew the Robin Hood one was Beech (can't mistake the grain) but I keep hoping someone knows what the other one is....I thought it was a clever colour wash over beech, flipping good craftsmanship either way.
27-05-2014, 09:33 PM
T^ Some fine work there...for a few seconds I thought they were real! :D
I did too when I first glanced at them. Very impressive work.
04-08-2014, 08:35 PM
stunning work MadZ, really good.
04-08-2014, 08:57 PM
great workT^
wow ,i had a go in went in the bin!
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