View Full Version : The Chatterbox and the Wood Gas Stove

05-06-2014, 06:15 PM
made a vid where I test my new wood gas stove in the dirt for the first time. The runt is also there, chattering away :-)


05-06-2014, 07:02 PM
Very enjoyable video as always and so great to see how your son is so infusiastic, going to make a great bushcrafter one day :camping:

05-06-2014, 08:24 PM
Yes he is veru easy to bring out with us when we go. But what a chatterbox he is. So sadly sometimes I just tune him out. It takes a lot of concentration to listen and respond to everything that falls out of his mouth :-)

Bushcrafter? Sure. It's soon time to start knife training him :-)

He allready know the song:

Rules for whitling
Sit on your bum
strike away from you
boy or girl
Then you must never
whitle towards others
knife must be in the sheath
at the end.

Direct translation. The kids learn this song at the daycare centre :-)

05-06-2014, 09:16 PM
What a lovely lad.... and your sons a beauty as well, lol He loves his daddy to bits. Its when the damp weather comes as to if its any good or not hey Rune, I cant get on with them.Maybe shop bought are better ! ? ,we'll see.atb Ken

06-06-2014, 04:03 AM
Its when the damp weather comes as to if its any good or not hey Rune

But thats when a back up bag of cat litter comes in handy, a small bag will be sufficient for a couple of uses. Oh and as to learning that song in day school Rune maybe we could do with something like that over here to educate our kids in the proper care and use of knives !

06-06-2014, 09:08 AM
Wonderful video and it's good to see your son is so enthusiastic. Do you call him snoopy because he likes to sleep on top of his kennel ;) a true outdoorsman in the making.

06-06-2014, 10:07 AM
But thats when a back up bag of cat litter comes in handy, a small bag will be sufficient for a couple of uses. Oh and as to learning that song in day school Rune maybe we could do with something like that over here to educate our kids in the proper care and use of knives !

But that defeats the object ! you might as well have gas or meths in that case.... its quicker and cleaner on your pans.
maybe we could do with something like that over here to educate our kids in the proper care and use of knives ! Oh yeh I can just hear the politcians now

06-06-2014, 10:28 AM
But that defeats the object !
Depends what the object is. If it is merely to heat food, etc, I'd agree, just use a fuel stove, but if the object is to heat food, settle back, enjoy the constant play of light from the flames in the gathering gloom while you "get out the little pipe and reduce a bit of navy plug to its lowest denomination " (sorry, I don't smoke, I was channelling Nessmuk there for a moment!) or just take a deep breath and take in your surroundings .... I'll take the wood pellets please. :)

06-06-2014, 11:54 AM
Depends what the object is. If it is merely to heat food, etc, I'd agree, just use a fuel stove, but if the object is to heat food, settle back, enjoy the constant play of light from the flames in the gathering gloom while you "get out the little pipe and reduce a bit of navy plug to its lowest denomination " (sorry, I don't smoke, I was channelling Nessmuk there for a moment!) or just take a deep breath and take in your surroundings .... I'll take the wood pellets please. :)

If I want all that I do it proper and light a fire, not enough cosy from that sort of stove for me, and I certainly cant grill a fish how I like it on one.jmo

Big T
06-06-2014, 12:06 PM
If I want all that I do it proper and light a fire, not enough cosy from that sort of stove for me, and I certainly cant grill a fish how I like it on one.jmo

Exactly what I was thinking. I looked at woodgas stoves a while ago, came to the conclusion that if you want a quick brew then it's meths or gas. If your staying in camp overnight then you can't beat a fire!

06-06-2014, 12:35 PM
Yep, if a fire is allowed I'd always go with that if possible, but at the end of the day its what you like, everyone's choice is a different mix of practicality and asthetic.

06-06-2014, 01:46 PM
Yep, if a fire is allowed I'd always go with that if possible, but at the end of the day its what you like, everyone's choice is a different mix of practicality and asthetic.

When fires are banned here, all use of open fires are banned. So use of a stove like that is just as banned as making camp fire. They still make sparks.
Actually we have a general bann of open fires from april to september in woodlands. But it is really only enforced when conditions are dry. So you will get away with a small cooking fire next to to a lake or on the beach. Unless you cause a wildfire...then prepare to have the book slam you into the ground.

My only reason to carry such a stove is purely that I won't have to remember to bring fuel. I do not know how many times I have gone out with a meths burner, pot stand and wind shield, only to find out when I pack out that my meths still sits in the shed...the same thing will happen to pellets.

06-06-2014, 05:31 PM
Gas, Meths or wood each have their fans and I have used them all, I personally find the risk with carrying a 1L of meths or a gas canister whilst out for a few nights far out weighs the small back up bag of cat litter I carry. And yes open fires are always a good choice but if camping in a small wood and you don't want to attract too much attention to your self then the WG stove wins hand down with me. I Know this could go on for ever with what's best etc so lets just say each to their own and in my case the WG stove is my stove of choice.

06-06-2014, 10:41 PM
Bet theres never a dull moment,when Little Rune about?.Lovely little lad,better to have him "Talkative" than withdrawn n shy...

06-06-2014, 11:12 PM
Bet theres never a dull moment,when Little Rune about?.Lovely little lad,better to have him "Talkative" than withdrawn n shy...

He drives me crazy with his non-stop questions, lol. At the same time I can't stop laughing and wonder how in the world someone can be that inquisitive :-)
But I hope that never stops :-)

Sadly he is a sick little puppy right now. had to fetch him at day care yesterday as he was puking. And today he has a fever and stummack cramps. But he normally shakes these things off in aday or two. most likely he will be at it at full force tomorrow :-)

07-06-2014, 06:32 AM
Nice video. It's good that he is enthusiastic and wants to help you break the sticks and light the fire. Looks a nice place.

07-06-2014, 02:12 PM
Sorry to hear little runes got a tummy bug,hope he gets better soon!
Had to laugh !!when he kept saying "Mummy wouldn't like it",if we go too far..lol.etc.

08-02-2015, 07:12 PM
Great video, your teaching him well, but you forgot the first lesson. Relating to "Mummy says not to go to far".

When at home mummy is definitely boss, but out in the woods daddy is bos......, well ok, mummy doesn't need to know.

08-02-2015, 07:45 PM
From an ultra-lighters perspective I think these stoves are excellent. Even that I don’t personally use one, I think of fuel as a valuable resource. It costs money, it pays the establishment to produce and most importantly it weighs and takes up space.

I don’t consider it as any use at all for either cooking or heating. For me, it’s just for boiling water. Which for some, me included at times, is enough to prepare a meal. That way it can even be regulated. It’s not too hard to work out in advance how much you need to estimate, still weather depending, how much will last how long.

I always carry a small gas can/stove. But I only use it for quick stops and build a fire for anything else.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about a hobo stove design for use in fire restricted areas, one of my favourite haunts is a nature reserve and open fires are a strict no go. I’ve had nature related business relations with the local authorities in the past, so I’ll run it past them first.

The idea is to cut a fire guard. In it’s simplest form it’s just a disk to sit above the fuel, but more likely to also include a basket formed to sit inside the can. It’s only £3 for an A5 size sheet.

Maybe it would make things ok in Norway?
