View Full Version : Wild Cook Books available

Manic Stram Poacher
09-06-2014, 01:58 PM
Hi there

I'n new to this forum so apologies in advance if I've posted this in the wrong section.

One of my main interest in hunting/fishing my own game/fish and then cooing it outdoors without modern equipment. To be truthful my knowledge of this is very basic and will be looking to experiment over the next few months and have a few overnight trips planned.

I have been looking online for books on this subject but haven't had any luck in finding what I want. The only books I have managed to come across are with grills, cookers ect but what I'd like is some literature on open fire cooking and basic techniques.

So I was very much hoping that some you ladies/gentlemen put me in the right direction and maybe recommend me some books on this?

Thanks in Advance


09-06-2014, 06:58 PM

Wild Gourmets has a few techniques in but is mainly about the recipes. I did a quick search and found http://www.fieldandstream.com/photos/gallery/survival/food/2009/06/four-campfire-cooking-techniques-hunters-and-fishermen & http://boyslife.org/outdoors/outdoorarticles/2737/scout-program-cooking/

My view is if you can cook on a barbecue without making the outside of the food black while the inside is still raw, you'll do fine on an open fire. Good luck and do please share anything amazing you find.


Manic Stram Poacher
09-06-2014, 07:10 PM
Excellent Ehecatl Thank you

I'm planning a solo hunting camping trip in a few months hopefully so I will need to prepare everything before then.

My plan is to leave the car at a local farm early in the morning. I'm hoping to bag a rabbit on that permission at dawn, then proceed 2 miles by foot to a reservoir for some trout.
Shortly after lunch I have another two mile hike over the mountain to a woodland that I have permission and set camp for the night, and cook whatever I have shot/caught or foraged on the way there.

The kit will be very basic due to the area I need to cover. I'm hoping to be able to film most of my movements and activities on the way and once I have arrived at my destination.

It's not going to be easy, but then again it's not meant to be :D



10-06-2014, 01:04 PM
Sounds perfect mate!! Right up my street!! Good luck :)

10-06-2014, 03:01 PM
I am looking forward to following this one
Take a look at this video you might find it helpful

Manic Stram Poacher
10-06-2014, 06:58 PM
I am looking forward to following this one
Take a look at this video you might find it helpful

Thanks T^

11-06-2014, 08:23 AM

It's a scout type book with some nice ideas and good pictures, some simple and quick on the hoof ideas to having a more elaborate and permanent set up/ camp (going from your description I'd stick at the simpler end, cast iron skillets might weigh you down a bit lol)

Manic Stram Poacher
11-06-2014, 09:23 AM

It's a scout type book with some nice ideas and good pictures, some simple and quick on the hoof ideas to having a more elaborate and permanent set up/ camp (going from your description I'd stick at the simpler end, cast iron skillets might weigh you down a bit lol)

Thanks for that, looks interesting.

12-06-2014, 09:05 PM
A good book I found was hunt, gather, cook by a chap called Hank Shaw. It's aimed at an American market primarily, but lots of good info and recipes. I really enjoyed it.

Manic Stram Poacher
12-06-2014, 09:07 PM
A good book I found was hunt, gather, cook by a chap called Hank Shaw. It's aimed at an American market primarily, but lots of good info and recipes. I really enjoyed it.

Thank you Dan, will check it out now.



12-07-2014, 09:53 PM
The Cast Iron Skillet Cookbook - Sharon Kramis + Julie Kramis Herne.....is a good book that gives good info and cooking recipes/ideas for using a skillet. It is not aimed at campfire cooking, but, gives good insight into what methods of cooking can be achieved. Personally I think their are loads of recipes out there that only need a bit of imagination to convert them into being a campfire winner. After all you have got heat with a cooking pan on top.

13-07-2014, 02:49 PM
I found a book in "Borders"bargain table,CHIMNEA COOKING,got some good recipes n cooking ideas.
Fire,pan,tin of beans....what more do you need?lol....

13-07-2014, 03:36 PM
A website not a book but it could be useful http://huntergathercook.typepad.com/huntergathering_wild_fres/

13-07-2014, 06:43 PM
Ah! The wild gourmets, thanks for jogging my memory
my mate borrowed it !

14-07-2014, 03:04 AM
That Wild Gourmets look interesting, thanks for tip. Downloading series 1&2 DVD now :D