View Full Version : Moose and the police

17-06-2014, 08:02 PM
I follow the local Police on twitter. And my jaw dropped at reading one of their latest tweets.

Turns out someone spotted a moose cow and her calf in the area where I take most of my walks. And have reported it to the police, who in turn
have alerted the municiplaity wild game commitee. They are the ones who ammong other things are sendt out track and shoot f.ex a moose that has been hit by a car etc.

Now noting will happen to the before mentioned animal in this case. And sensibly the police is just cautioning people not to disturb the animals.

What is funny is that I know there is a whole flock of them up there. At least 8-10 animals. I see their tracks every time I go out, and sometimes see them in the distance.
I have even photographed them from my front yard :-)

What shocks me is that people really call the police here, in northern Norway because thay ave seen an animal. ;)

People need to get out more...I suggest bushcraft. The police is also invited...;):cool::evilgrin:

18-06-2014, 01:01 AM
If it wasnt you who had told me Rune I would not of believed it, It appears 1/2 the world is crazy, very sad

18-06-2014, 08:48 AM
What exactly were this people expecting the police to do?! Rasputin you're right, 1/2 the world is clearly crazy

18-06-2014, 09:59 AM
If half are crazy and we the 25% who are not what are the other 25% ? ;)

18-06-2014, 10:05 AM
What scares me is that the craziness has reached us up here..back in the day most people you met where quite sane...

18-06-2014, 11:23 AM
Understand what you mean - everyone here starting running around in circles when news got out that there were black bears in the state...sound the alarm, Yogie and Booboo are on the loose!! It's been the same with coyotes, too - you'd think these people have never taken high school biology, let alone studied any bit of local history.

Here's a bit of "news" from earlier in the week, up in Alberta Canada: http://www.wfsb.com/story/25799838/close-encounter
You'd think people would be used to this, especially that far north where bears are more common.

19-06-2014, 02:06 AM
If half are crazy and we the 25% who are not what are the other 25% ? ;)

You got me there Al, maybe muppets :evilgrin:

20-06-2014, 11:25 AM
25% undisclosed:confused2:

28-06-2014, 02:55 PM
The most common form of crazy is stupidity for which there is no cure.

Wolfman Zack
13-10-2014, 12:54 PM
People are becoming disconnected from nature, and therefore are fearful when they see animals they are unused to.

I was browsing a US bushcraft forum, and they were discusing a youtube video where this guy calls to a pack of coyotes and they come running then hold up in the edge of the woods and watch him curiously, the general topic was "what would you do" in this situation.
I was horrified to see a vast number of members reply with things like "start shooting", "kill them all", ect.
These coyotes were not acting at all aggressively, and I have been in similar situations many times, and never felt threatened.
In fact, I thourghly enjoyed the chance to meet these wild creatures up close.

I have also been walking through the forest with people who are not familar with being there and seen them become when I point out animal tracks.
In one case I pointed out a set of coyote tracks telling how they likely belonged to the large male I had seen several times recently.
My friend reacted by looking for a large stick to defend himself with it in case it attacked. :confused2:

Those who live as part of nature are not fearful of it, those who separate themselves from it are fearful.

13-10-2014, 02:15 PM
Understand what you mean - everyone here starting running around in circles when news got out that there were black bears in the state...sound the alarm, Yogie and Booboo are on the loose!! It's been the same with coyotes, too - you'd think these people have never taken high school biology, let alone studied any bit of local history.

Here's a bit of "news" from earlier in the week, up in Alberta Canada: http://www.wfsb.com/story/25799838/close-encounter
You'd think people would be used to this, especially that far north where bears are more common.
People are their own worst enemy.When i was in Alberta,Calgary,N drove up to Banff,n Jasper.Even were are signs warning about bear.Don't stop n get out of your car.(When walking, if youve got a whistle or bells,they hear you coming n clear off)Yet you see tourists photographing them.when you draw their attention,to the dangers!they say "ITs only a baby",Theyve no idea Mummy bear is in the bushes n can run a 30miles an hour.As for moose,they are as common on the roads as cars.N one didnt need an alarm clock for them rubbing on our log cabin.Didnt get any bears,around cabin,cos we were very careful with food scraps.n BBQ leftovers.Great Days....

15-10-2014, 04:24 PM
common sense is all that is needed but sadly with many people it is the least common of all the senses.