View Full Version : Source for seeds

18-02-2011, 05:45 PM
Anyone know of a source for wild food plant seeds? I have nothing really edible in my bit of wood and want to remedy that. Of course I could gather seed this year but I want to gain a year by planting quite soon. I am growing Sorrell and Salad Burnett in my garden already but want Wood Sorrel and other tasties.

Important that any seeds are native British of course, preferably from the South-West.

18-02-2011, 08:05 PM
Ebay.. I bought some burdock off there..
Also, try these guys.. http://www.wildflowershop.co.uk/

18-02-2011, 08:16 PM
I know you can buy wild garlic seeds and bulbs on ebay, dog rose too, but like all things you need the right soil. Plants have a provenance, similar to a postcode but a lot easier, there's a map here that'll tell you yours so you know if the plants or seeds are close enough for you.

21-02-2011, 06:05 AM
Just found this, culinary and medicinal wild seeds (apparently)
Actually, just gave it a look and it seems quite extensive!
Good luck.

21-02-2011, 07:40 AM
Thanks for that, will check them out.


24-02-2011, 10:58 AM
chances are, that if a plant isnt growing where you are then the conditions are not right for it in that place, and you'll find you'll need to change things like the soil type and the other vegetation, ie cutting back, maybe even cutting out certain plants in order to grow your wanted plant

24-02-2011, 11:16 AM
<chances are, that if a plant isn't growing where you are then the conditions are not right for it in that place, >

Possibly true but then I shall alter some of the conditions such as cutting back some of the shade, clearing leaf mulch etc. Just raking the area would get some woodland plants growing. The balance I have to strike is between that which I do want and those I don't such as nettles/brambles growing across the plot. Nice exercise in a micro-ecosystem. I do not want to turn part of the place into an allotment, gave that drudgery up years ago, foraging and fishing are my preferred non-supermarket food getting activities.