View Full Version : Candle with a difference

21-02-2011, 10:26 AM
Went on a bushcraft weekend and one of the boys brought this down. Very effective. It is a pine log which has 8 cuts lengthways two thirds down then seasoned for a year. You push a fire lighter into the centre and light it. Somewhere on You Tube is a video of it being used on a frozen lake. It burned all night and in the morning it left no fire damage on the grass. The stump can be used to light a conventional fire. Stan.739740743

21-02-2011, 10:28 AM
Sorry about the last 2 posh crafting pics but even that set up was interesting (it cost the best part of a grand).

21-02-2011, 10:42 AM
I've seen the log done with birch bark instead of firelighters, they did the same thing but got strips of birch bark and put them in all the gaps and set it alight.

What's up with the chimney?

Nice pictures, Thanks for sharing.

21-02-2011, 11:54 AM
I like the Finnish candle Stan. Did your mate make the cuts with a chainsaw?


Aaron Rushton
21-02-2011, 02:01 PM
looks fab! lol, like your dead squirrel in the foreground, did you eat it and what did you use to hunt it?

great white ape
21-02-2011, 02:41 PM
Interesting.... Might have a go

paul standley
21-02-2011, 05:36 PM
Ray Mears cooked on one in one of his programs as I recall.

It's something I want to try out myself this year if I can find a pine log when I'm camping.

21-02-2011, 06:10 PM
Nice Teepee Stan-lets see more pics of that !, the log candle is something I've used, as long as its a still night with no wind these things are the 'Dawgz', I slot mine with a bandsaw while they are green and wire the slotted end to stop them opening up like flowers, nice post Stan

22-02-2011, 01:00 PM
I will try to put up a few more pics but you have no idea how long the last lot took to load. The log was cut with a chainsaw before it was seasoned. The squirrel was shot with an air rifle, it was one of two, plus two rabbits. I managed to hit a few tin cans and a paper target. Good job i took food with me. Stan.

24-02-2011, 10:24 PM
I cut some pine ready to try that out :-)

30-03-2011, 12:09 AM
Looks cool Ray. and if you could cook on it all the better...