View Full Version : French Forest overnighter

06-08-2014, 05:58 PM
School holidays oblige.... its time to take the offspring out on a trip or two.
Our local village forest is perfect for such trips, being quite extensive at around 570 acres, yet only a short walk from home.
A couple of years ago we found a perfect clearing that we have used for overnighters on a few occasions each year since. It is perfect for hammock camping, having several perfectly placed trees. Is on a hill so we don't have any risk of flooding, and is fairly well shaded, with oaks, beech, birch and hornbeam trees.
Its is about a 20 to 30 minute hike from the house, which means we can take a few luxury items. (It is uphill all the way though)
We are surrounded by thick deciduous forest filled with deer, foxes and owls...


My Lowe Alpine pack ready to roll...


Alex with my US army Hellcat pack.... I wish I could carry mine with such apparent ease.


My set up... DD hammocks tarp, Warbonnet hammock with Snugpack underquilt. Bliss!!!


Got to keep them well trained. Alex sets up his DD Travel Hammock and a (rare untorn) DD Camo tarp.


Camp finally set...


A tree nicknamed the 'Throne'...


Alexis Mears in action....


Alex Van Damme showing off....

Dinner was cooked over an open fire which actually burned most of the night... (it was doused with water and covered with moss and leaves, the next morning before leaving). A nice quick meal of pasta and pesto sauce was just the ticket.
After a really good night's sleep and a breakfast of coffee and cereals we headed back down the hill to home... We left only foot prints... Oh and my twig tripod for cooking over the fire for next time..


06-08-2014, 08:08 PM
T^ Beautiful woodland by the looks...570 acres is in itself luxuries :).
Didn't know DD made camo tarps :D - the pattern really matches the forest floor.

06-08-2014, 08:56 PM
T^ Beautiful woodland by the looks...570 acres is in itself luxuries :).
Didn't know DD made camo tarps :D - the pattern really matches the forest floor.

Its a local forest.... mostly used for hunting.....but all villagers have access...
DD did make Camo Tarps for a while but the centre tie outs were not reinforced, the nylon was weaker and many tore at this level so they stopped making them. We just keep tie outs to the reinfoirced corner points and its been fine.. I really like it actually, pity they stopped them.

08-08-2014, 02:57 PM
I agree - it's hard to come by decent camo tarps these days...