View Full Version : British C-Rat Can Opener

05-09-2014, 08:56 AM
NBC members I'm on a 'cap in hand' appeal.. :innocent: I'm looking for a 'donation' of a different kind. Do any of you have a spare original British Issue Ration Pack can opener with folding bite blade (spare) I could have? I'm looking for such as I hit on the idea through Bushcraft, TGO, etc.. someone's always looking for these & to think the amount of these I've given away over the years during my Service. A couple I had remaining of these originals I was offered a fair price on such. I was more apt to give such away, but recently as a fund raiser I thought, if I could sell these proceeds go to 'Help For Heroes.' I don't have a budget to purchase such so I'm tongue in cheek (cheek being the appropriate word) :ashamed: asking around for a free GAW gifted as long as they're in good condition still usable, I can clean them up & sell them on. I was given a box of freebies copies of the US P-51 (cloned) via a surplus dealer in Glasgow as they were gathering dust in the store, some were unusable easily bendable but they went for a good cause. I was offered by Highlander equipment (Livingston/Edinburgh) P-51 copies their brand at cost price if needs be. I was sent a couple of packets gratis of the Highlander FRED can openers by another surplus dealer, to which I'm grateful for. I'm looking for British C-Rats can openers with serial number, dated, & crows foot marking as I can get a good price on these. I've asked the Ministry of Defence UK direct as to find if they have any in storage I could have also, awaiting a reply. So.. in the meantime, no offence given or taken, but if anyone has an original they could let me have I would be grateful PM me with details. All proceeds from sales go to Help For Heroes. Image my 1986 British can opener as example.
David :wink:


05-09-2014, 07:28 PM
Can't supply you with any unfortunately................but would be very happy to buy one from you to support HfH - and I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one from here that would do so either!

06-09-2014, 04:39 PM
Thanks for the reply Peaks. I'm awaiting a reply via the Ministry of Defence as to resource such first, enquire if there's any stock piled unissued anywhere. Until such times I'm cap in hand as to try assist with a few requests from fellow Bushcrafters. No problem BTW as with both the BCUK & BCUSA forums I'm sure I could shift a few of these original British gems as said all proceeds goes to Help For Heroes :wink:

06-09-2014, 05:00 PM
Hello David, Well, when you are ready to start selling please let me know............I'm sure that I'd be just one in a queue of folks:)

ian c
06-09-2014, 08:20 PM
To think that they were issued in every 24 hr rat pack, I would hate to think of the amount that I have thrown away after a exercise. I know that they still issue them in the 10 man rat packs (only 1 in each 10 man) but it might be worth trying.

06-09-2014, 08:33 PM
Aye the good old days Ian. 24 hour ration packs we saved the can openers & shared them out with mates hill walkers, or going camping etc.. the image I uploaded to the thread is mine from 1986 got a 1984 one too my mate borrowed such with intent in returning it.. I'm awaiting details from a contact in the MoD see if I can resource 'blag' a few. They can't just have disappeared :confused2: I'll get back to the forum when I'm successful. Still looking for any spare, donated to a good cause.

02-10-2014, 06:56 PM
I received details via the Ministry of Defence recently over my enquiry of the British C-Rations can openers. The contract went out to The Bushcraft Store http://www.thebushcraftstore.co.uk as to supply the C-Rations/can openers. The copy of the P-51 as supplied with the 10 man C-Rats packs :shocked:. The can openers IMHO are substandard, I've tried & tested, they bend very easily. I however have on route to I a box of mix P-38 & P-51 'John Wayne' Shelby Company of OHIO USA brand new can openers gratis. The P-51 is more like the British MORFED issue in size & quality, minus the serial number 'crows foot' WD marking & date, in place has 'Shelby Company US' stamped on the thumb grip. I may have also a couple of original MORFED can openers coming my way too as a few Veterans have been looking out for I. So I'm well pleased with the outcome. Raising some money for a great Veterans cause to boot.


04-11-2014, 02:52 PM
I have received the Shelby Co. Ohio K-Ration can openers both P-51 & P-38 versions. Sold these no problem so far raised £52.00 which went in the Royal British Legion (Scotland) Poppy tin today. As there's been interest in these can openers, I'm hoping to take stock of more hopefully just P-51 (larger version) & sell such profits going to UK Veterans charity of choice. Original British MORFED can openers fetch more as these are collectable, so I'm still looking for any stock piled officially & donated.

04-11-2014, 02:57 PM
Well done David.n Thank You.!.
Every contribution counts ,big time!

04-11-2014, 07:51 PM
Thanks midas.

09-11-2014, 09:13 AM
Hello David,
If you have can openers for sale I'd happily purchase a couple and pay the postage..(& I'm sure others would be interested too)

Please let me know

Best wishes