View Full Version : Home for the firestarter
29-09-2014, 09:11 PM
On the weekend I stumbled upon this awl I have been looking for for quite a while so I happily took it home.
Just for testing I started stitching away at a piece of leather which once came as the sleeping bag of a delicious bottle of ron barcelo rum. That awl works a treat!
I didn't intend to make it for the firestarter but afterwards it fit so nicely as if it was planned to.
It could also easily fit a SAK or a No. 6 or 7 Opinel.
For a first try I am quite happy with this.[emoji4] [emoji4] [emoji4]
30-09-2014, 02:27 AM
Like that better than the hack job I tried a while back lmao. Have to get some leather and try yet again.
13-10-2014, 11:06 AM
For a first try that's Brilliant - T^
13-10-2014, 11:43 AM
T^ a very nice first
15-10-2014, 06:11 PM
Thanks for the kind comments! Very nice of you. Have to come upon some further scrap leather but haven't found the right source yet. Buying a complete hide is inticing but those are expensive as hell!!!
15-10-2014, 06:25 PM
Thanks for the kind comments! Very nice of you. Have to come upon some further scrap leather but haven't found the right source yet. Buying a complete hide is inticing but those are expensive as hell!!!
Keep a look out for dumped Sofa's Settee's,n skin them,Even if the seating area is "past it"the backs of chairs are usually mint source of fine thin leather.
Sometimes a visit to a sali army/charity furniture store,can provide a source from unsuitable items.they are dumping.
15-10-2014, 06:51 PM
Hey that's a good idea! Will keep my eyes peeled!
15-10-2014, 07:45 PM
here is some leather skinned from a settee1256012561125611256112562 and a couple of pouchs I've made from it.
The one made for my tinderbox.Is just a dinner plate sized cicle of leather,with holes punched around the edge,no sewing!
Sorry if pictures not too good but dark n just took with my phone!
16-10-2014, 08:13 AM
Great little project! I have to admit itlooks a wee bit like the pouches the ozzys offer as bizare tourist souvenirs made from kangaroo scrotum... Haha!
I'll put this as "next up" on the project list as soon as I can scavenge some leather.
Thanks for showing!
16-10-2014, 09:08 AM
Haha,That takes me back,many years,to my first trip to OZ.
Must admit I brought back several pouchs n Koala's made from Roo skin!For my friends!
If I remamber they were quite "expensive",but then you only get one per
But,They shoot 1.000's of roo's,as pest control.Best cuts into the food chain,rest into dog food!atb.mike.
jacob karhu
16-10-2014, 01:10 PM
Never seen this type of closure for the first pouch ... Just simple, I like that !
16-10-2014, 02:50 PM
Well done i like it
Time to get playing in the man cave
16-10-2014, 05:25 PM
Thanks! The closure will probably only work well with this kind of slim tubular pouch. A heavier SAK could probably wiggle it's way out when bouncing around in your cargo pockets or pack.
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