View Full Version : What to do with hedgehogs?

24-11-2014, 07:37 PM
I dropped off something at a friends house this evening, and as I was leaving I noticed something near the curb.


Sadly it's out of focus because it was too dark for my phone to focus before taking the picture.

I was worried the little guy/gal was going to get flattened in the road so I picked it up by scooping my hands under each side and gently took it over the pavement to the grass where there was a small hedge.


He/she vanished when I turned my back, so it's obviously healthy enough.

But it made me wonder. Is that the right thing to do, or should I leave them alone? :ashamed:

In general, is it better to get involved, or to let nature take care of itself?

24-11-2014, 07:57 PM
I think you did the right thing Bernie. Problem is, mild weather seems to tempt them out from what is usually a semi hibernation and they wander around almost in a confused state, if it was really cold they'd be tucked into the leaf litter somewhere with their metabolism on tick over 'till Spring. I would very rarely touch the young of wildlife, only under certain circumstances, but preventing Spikey from being squashed was a good move in my book. :)

24-11-2014, 10:26 PM

Did the right thing there Bernie. Seen too many of those pancaked lately, that's one that will live to see another day.

25-11-2014, 02:26 PM
Well done Bernie,a gold star for you:happy-clapping:......what you could have done was take it home banged it on the head packed it in clay and bate it in the oven:jumping-joy:MMMMM hoggie pig nice.