View Full Version : The "Weather Bomb"

09-12-2014, 06:23 PM
Now that winter is pretty much upon us and the predicted "weather bomb" begins, I thought I would pack the essentials in the car. In the event of a break-down or closed roads I'd prefer to be prepared.

I've crammed the following (bearing in mind that I will already be wearing clothes and a coat) into a 35 litre rucksack:-

Thermal vest
Norgy top
Plastic bivvy bag
Space blankets
Sleeping bag
Candle lantern
Glow sticks

I've also thrown my snow chains in along with two walking poles and a hefty coat. Plus I found my old ski boots and used the bag to hold my Lowras.

I need to add a shovel and some high calorie food like chocolate, plus some water. If there's anything obvious I've missed then please let me know. Based on the fact I have not seen snow since I bought the snow chains a couple of years ago (four to be precise) I suspect I'll be fine.

"Plan for the worst, hope for the best" :)


09-12-2014, 06:29 PM
Hi Mat.

Possibly fuel can ( with fuel )
Phone charger

Like you say, probably not gonna need it but in the words of a well know weather forecaster, there will be no hurricane tonight, they weather is unpredictable, a few years ago I was snowed in 10 yards from the A3, took a few days before we could get out.

ian c
09-12-2014, 07:01 PM
Some snacks/food that can be eaten cold, a couple of instant hand warmers, oh and something to drink, if you are going on a long journey pack a small cooker and a boiling vessel.

09-12-2014, 07:07 PM
A tow rope, suitable to tow your vehicle. If you do get stuck and a 4x4 comes by you can't guarantee that they will have a rope on board, so carry your own. If there is room in the boot and you can lay your hands on a couple of old door mats or something similar, they're handy to lay under a spinning wheel in icy conditions. Just something to give that initial grip to get you rolling.

09-12-2014, 08:32 PM
Jump start cables. Batteries go to fast in the cold, while cold engines start slower, draining more battery power...
A thermos with something hot to drink.

10-12-2014, 09:29 AM
I would say you have covered the basics. Now double up what you can. I have a very similar set up. Ive doubled up some essentials for whoever im with.
Also some water from Lidl/Aldi. Cheap as chips and fine to leave as long as its sealed.

10-12-2014, 02:51 PM
Not sure how cold it gets on your side of the pond, but on a frigid day with a wind chill of -16 C, mittens would be a better choice than gloves.
Rune brings up a very good point with the addition of jump-start cables, found that out the hard way last year...

10-12-2014, 04:00 PM
I bought myself a portable battery booster - you can charge your mobile and it has a light and a tyre inflater - multi purpose :o

10-12-2014, 07:33 PM
Strange !as the weather gets worse,(we often get a bit of snow in our village,near the penines!)
I become more sociably acceptable.lol
Usually Its "I don't know why you drive a gas guzzling 4x4 JEEP."
To when the snow falls,"Your not going,HERE?,THERE.?"etc.You couldnt get me???
Always have Blanket, jump leads,spade n elastic tow ropes on board.Stove n brew kit.Few boxs raisins etc.sure I could find a tin or two of sardines or pillchards,if I dug about.

10-12-2014, 08:17 PM
PS.To save your car mats,or plastic traction runners.
If one calls into local carpet shop,especailly when fitters have skipped their offcuts,you can obtain many free offcuts
which are good for if you get stuck.also not the end of the world to stop to pick them up if you get moving.Tho one can attatch them to car with "string."stopping" when in a safe place.to recover them.

10-12-2014, 08:20 PM
I bought myself a portable battery booster - you can charge your mobile and it has a light and a tyre inflater - multi purpose :o

Got one of those too. But the thing is to bulky to keep in the car.

10-12-2014, 08:31 PM
One thing is certain...you are better prepared than me. My preps for winter driving consist of flogging the 19 year old until he goes out and puts the studded winter tyres on the car. Then I check that he actually remember to fasten the nuts, and throw, throw a spade in the back and replace the worn out wind screen ice scraper from last year.

But if we go for a longer drive, say across the mountains and into Sweden, that's when I get out a couple of sleeping bags, plus my jerven survival bag, hot thermos, Optimus 111 stove and kettle, knife, some basic tools, mobile phone charger, food, warm, a set of warm clothes for everyone etc.

The reason for those trips are shopping. Some food like meat/ beef/ bacon etc is a lot cheaper in Sweden...and it's nice to get away :-)

The first time my wife who hails from Thailand saw me fill the car with all this camping gear she was more than slightly miffed. It took a lot of space for her planned shopping. When we left home it was +5 degrees. When we were up in the mountains, I stopped the car and told her to get out...politley...and for once she obeyed!

She was quick....it was -25 outside and blowing a stiif wind :-)

Then I told her...imagine if we get stuck up here?

11-12-2014, 08:22 AM
How long did she stand outside the car ? :D

11-12-2014, 01:31 PM
How long did she stand outside the car ? :D

About 5 seconds, lol

11-12-2014, 02:41 PM
thought as much :)

11-12-2014, 03:25 PM
BBC news was reporting people being stranded in snow on the English/Scottish border last night. Mountain rescue crews were there helping to get people to safety from trapped vehicles.

11-12-2014, 03:56 PM
I caught a tiny bit of that on the news this morning, I think they were saying around 100 people had been cut off ?

11-12-2014, 04:06 PM
Where these people in charge of clearing the snow off the roads?


11-12-2014, 06:23 PM
Quote..I caught a tiny bit of that on the news this morning, I think they were saying around 100 people had been cut off ?

Only 4 or 5 inches of snow, but it came down a bit quick and caught people off guard apparently.


I can't see your video clip Rune, computer is telling me I've got to update something to enable me to watch it..

11-12-2014, 08:00 PM
Main headline on the local news this morning down here in the South West was all about the weather coming in. Same again lunch time, and again for a third time at 6.00pm.

What is it with weather reports everywhere, all day long. We have 50 - 70 mph winds and rain forcast for about three to four hours. We have had this sort of weather for hundreds of years.

Its starting to do my head in now.