View Full Version : hello

14-12-2014, 08:21 AM
hey guys/girls, just come here after leaving a simmilar forum that was too heavily moderated...

so i thought i would try my luck here...

on the other forum i wasnt allowed to mention that i make slingshots... please note i am not attempting to advertise my work nor sell any here, nor am i a business...

on there they edited my posts or deleted them, in my opinion, not a forum...

dont get me wrong, i wasnt being rude, swearing (though there "shtf" is considered swearing) attempting to sell or trade or even linking other websites...

eventually got a ban for posting the following

my departure:

hello guys and girls, thanks for my short time here but i think its time to move on...

i dont like how im not free to talk about something included in bushcraft kits

thanks for the hospitality

maybe i will see you on another forum someday

TD (aka Luke)

this was deleted and warrented me a ban LOL

anyway rant over now...

i have been interested in bushcraft and camping for many years...

but only recently started collecting the proper kit...

a few of my favourite bits of kit are my cold steel trail hawk, my mora robust and my enzo trapper in d2 steel

feel free to ask any questions


TD (aka Luke)

14-12-2014, 10:20 AM
Hi Luke and welcome,


14-12-2014, 10:58 AM
Hello Luke, welcome aboard. :)

14-12-2014, 12:10 PM
:welcome: welcome to the forum

14-12-2014, 01:17 PM
Hi Luke,welcome to the forum,n :campfire:
Remember you can please some of the people some off the time!!!But not all of the people all of the time.

14-12-2014, 03:39 PM
A warm welcome matey

14-12-2014, 03:57 PM
thanks guys

im hoping i enjoy my stay here better than the last place lol

so far so good


14-12-2014, 07:12 PM
:welcome: Dia duit, Luke - fáilte go dtí an bpobal Bushcraft. :campfire:
Know what you mean...there are some forums out there that have out-of-control moderators. BCUSA is one of them. Never joined it, but a lot of people were banned there simply for disagreeing with a mod, or speaking out against unwarranted bans. They even went so far as to close a thread about stealth camping because one of the mods said "we don't talk about illegal activities on this forum" :rolleye:

14-12-2014, 07:15 PM
Welcome to the community (he says with finger over the ban button)

Only joking 😈

14-12-2014, 07:41 PM
it must be the bc franchise (if its indeed related to bcuk)

it just seems to me that the mods there like to swing their d*cks about to show whos in charge...

totally unnecessary in my opinion... its people like that which spoil a forum that could be great...

at least i no longer have to put up with deleted posts and edited ones that after they edited (spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes included) made it seem like a 5 year old wrote them...

im not the best with spelling and grammar... but i did better than they did...

this place is already better... more people have commented on my intro than they did on the other forum...

tells me the members here are more hospitable :)

14-12-2014, 08:09 PM
Not only are we hospitable, but we can have a friendly debate without bashing each other's face in. :)
I don't think BCUK is related, but I know the US forum has become almost tyrannical with the way they run things. They actually trademarked the word "Bushcraft" to make themselves look more important, and they bullied Blades and Bushcraft with legal threats into changing their name to "Blades and Bushlore".

14-12-2014, 08:14 PM
how can they get away with that??

would be like me trademarking "smartphone" and forcing companies into calling them cleverphones... or smartmobiles...

wasn't bushlore a knife by condor?

14-12-2014, 11:16 PM
Well, they got away with it, even though the word has been around LONG before they trademarked it. And if they want to threaten me with litigations, I'll take them to court in a heartbeat so they can out their $$ where their mouth is.

15-12-2014, 06:15 AM
I hate people/companies that throw law around for no good reason...

I mean really, what real gain did they get from trademarking a term used worldwide that they played no part in the creation of...
imo they just did it to annoy an already well established community

just a bunch of fools wanting to spoil things for the rest of the world

15-12-2014, 07:15 AM
Hello pal welcome to the forum


15-12-2014, 08:43 AM
Well, they got away with it, even though the word has been around LONG before they trademarked it. And if they want to threaten me with litigations, I'll take them to court in a heartbeat so they can out their $$ where their mouth is.

They got away with it because Blades and Bushcraft obviously couldn't be bothered to keep name. I personally would have just simply ignored BCUS's threats or told them where to stick them because their claim to the word "bushcraft" would have had zero chance of holding up in court. How it slipped by and got granted is insane but that is the US for you, the place where Apple can file IP for a rectangle with rounded corners.

15-12-2014, 09:04 AM
ahhh yes... crapple... where you never own any of their devices... they just license them to you...
same as crapberry

i do love how they sued samsung for copyright and lost, then samsung sued them for copyright and won ;)

you may have guessed im not a fan of a fruit based phones :p

15-12-2014, 12:15 PM
They got away with it because Blades and Bushcraft obviously couldn't be bothered to keep name. I personally would have just simply ignored BCUS's threats or told them where to stick them because their claim to the word "bushcraft" would have had zero chance of holding up in court. How it slipped by and got granted is insane but that is the US for you, the place where Apple can file IP for a rectangle with rounded corners.
I wonder if it slipped through bribery...there was definitely some trickery involved, but it wouldn't surprise me if $$$ passed through some hands, since BCUSA is now a corporate powerhouse. It's a shame B&B let that happen - they should not have backed away.

15-12-2014, 05:04 PM
:welcome:to the forum bud...............dont get eaten by the bears..........Tony.

10-01-2015, 07:41 PM
Hi Luke and :welcome: from Shropshire T^ Ken