View Full Version : Emergency Fishing Kit - What does it really take?

14-12-2014, 01:22 PM
Hey Guys,
The topic might not be the newest but just wanted to hear what your opinion is on this. I have been fishing since I was 5 years old and by now claim of myself not to be a bad one by now. I have plenty of tackle, rods, spools, boxes of lures, hooks, floats a plenty, sinkers, nets...jeeez I could keep going! There is probably three situations I find myself wanting to pack some fishing tackle.

1. I'm really going fishing (yeha...like duh!)
2. I'm going somewhere where there could be an opportunity to fish (like when you go canoeing)
3. Let's call it the emergency situation where you would be happy if you had at least the basics.

I am going leave out scenario 1 because that is a nonsense discussion. Haha

For Option 2: I have a small draw string bag of a netish material which holds a small hand reel (I think they are also known as Cuban Yo-Yo's) I once brought back from NZ. I know it is not one of the nicely hand crafted ones regularly being presented here on the forum but is light, holds a lot of line and casts really well.


Along with it in an empty filmtube come four hooks, two swivels, a tiny bobber cork,two sinkers and couple of BB split shots. I don't consider putting any lures in this useful. You probably could fish a small swimming or suspending jerkbait or twitch a small plug beneath a boat but would it do any better than natural bait? I don't think so. You have all options to fish it using the bobber cork, submerged on the ground with a sliding sinker rig or even use a simple paternoster rig. This should have you covered for most situations.

For Option 3: After having the small kit of Option 2 bouncing around in my pack for a while. I very quickly had to silence the tackle in the filmtube with a piece of cloth as it does reeaaally get annoying rattling around. After a bit I thought to myself if it is really necessary to carry all of that? I have three packs (Maxpedition Thyphoon, Fatboy or FR-1...am I a Maxpedition Junkie?...:p:p:p) and one of them is usually always at my side accept when I am at office. I wanted to have at least the basics with me in all of them and the kit of option 2 would only really fit the Typhoon backpack ... I thought K.I.S.S.! Just like in those cheapy rambo knives with a small compartment in the handle I made small zip-loc bags with around 6 m of line (I believe it is 0,25 fluocarbon but I had that lying around on a spool), 3 hooks stuck between two pieces of sticky tape to prevent them snagging or pentrating the ziploc bag and 3 BB splitshots.



One thing I like about this is that the line is quite neatly wound so you won't find yourself having to spend half an hour untangling and it is so flat that it will even fit in the very last crevice of your pack, EDC, BOB or whatsoever! It's cheap as chips as I usually collect and reuse those small zip loc bags, and the tackle itself probably doesn't cost you more than 50 cent - probably even less! With this bit of line, sinker and hooks IMHO you would be able to catch a fish in a survival or emergeny situation. You can use from the bank of a stream, estuary, rock pool or even a raft. To increase range you can still look for a longer piece of hazel or bamboo.

If you have plenty of tackle at hand it is often tempting to pack more than you need but does it really take any more than this if you are honestly trying to keep it simple! There is plenty of experienced fishermen on this forum. What do you guys think?

14-12-2014, 03:12 PM
Seeing as the subject is Fishing with minimum kit, you may like this guy on Youtube...


He's a real hardcore type Bushcrafter/Survivalist...sadly he doesn't show the fishing kit he makes in action, but, it's interesting what he makes....some of his other videos are also good...Bushcraft bubble gum springs to mind.

ian c
14-12-2014, 08:34 PM
I have a few fishing kits and the smallest I have measures about 3" x 1" it contains about 30mtrs of braid and has about 12 different size hooks that I tied to nylon line, 4 pre tied flies, 10 BB split shot, 4 swivels and a small 15gram barrel weight, I have used this small kit where ever I could from here in UK to Falklands, Germany, Canada, Portugal and Kenya.
I have had good results with it and its always in the bag or rucksack that's with me I do have bigger kits that I use, but wont stop carrying my mini kit.

14-12-2014, 08:47 PM
my emergency fishing kit is exactly the same as your #3

on amazon i saw a very small extendable fishing rod i considered getting...

give me a minute and i will find the link

14-12-2014, 08:51 PM

here... it seems to be a fairly portable size without being inconvenient...

whether its any good i cant say, but maybe something to consider...

ian c
15-12-2014, 12:49 AM
I had one of those pen rods which broke first time I used it and I only got a small perch of about 4 ounces with it.

15-12-2014, 04:31 AM
I have one of these for my emergency/spur of the moment fishing needs.


Works pretty well I took it out to Umstead to try my luck on one of the feeder streams for Big Lake. Using a bread crust I had a two pound Bluegill (Bream) on the line after a few minutes.

15-12-2014, 06:22 AM
Hey! Already thanks for your replies!

@ Ian: how do you keep the braid from tangling up? I only have braid on my spinning reels and know that once you have wound a few loops around your fingers it easily gets tangled. I find that the problem with braid is that it is basically impossible to untangle. I always find myself reaching for my knife when I get a bad knot! Have you solved this?

15-12-2014, 07:01 AM
I have one of these for my emergency/spur of the moment fishing needs.


Works pretty well I took it out to Umstead to try my luck on one of the feeder streams for Big Lake. Using a bread crust I had a two pound Bluegill (Bream) on the line after a few minutes.

Bluegill aka slime ball... I hate the snotty leftovers after handling bream

15-12-2014, 07:51 AM
Bluegill aka slime ball... I hate the snotty leftovers after handling bream

Looks like the fish blew his nose in your hands.

15-12-2014, 08:07 AM
lol yeah...
leaves your hands smelling worse than they look...

and im not fussed about worm guts on my hands...

its funny, id prefer the entrails of something on my hands over the outter goo of another...

15-12-2014, 08:43 AM
lol yeah...
leaves your hands smelling worse than they look...

and im not fussed about worm guts on my hands...

its funny, id prefer the entrails of something on my hands over the outter goo of another...

Especially if there's a nice piece of Trout somewhere in my near future.

ian c
15-12-2014, 10:02 PM
Primerib I wind my braid round a piece of stiff plastic which I use as a hand reel and the braid I use is about 30lb bs I cant remember what make it is but have not had any problems with it, Its the same stuff on my fishing reels if I do get any tangles it any of my line I get a saftey pin out and undo any knots before they are pulled to tight and that is not very often.

15-12-2014, 11:11 PM
I only bring fishing kit when there is a chance there will be fishing. And then I simply bring the rod that is suitable for the kind of fishing I am on to.
Else, unless I am going so far off the beaten track that I will need to fish to survive because going home is not an option. I'll consider these small survival type fisking kits. Else...if you are in shape to fish, set snares or even hunt...you as well just use the energy to go home. If I can't manage that, I am probably not in shape for fishing either...

jacob karhu
20-12-2014, 12:04 PM

It's not an emergency kit, but I bring this minimal fishing kit when I go on the beach.


Yeah, that's a baby feed :rolleye:

I put all my gear in it, and the fishing line around it. It has a perfect curve which prevent the line to go out.
Totally waterproof, it floats and can't be lost !

20-12-2014, 02:24 PM
T^ Great Idea,Jacob.

ps."It floats".....hope that helps.your english better than my French,mon ame.

ian c
20-12-2014, 08:37 PM
Jacob that is a neat idea I think I will have to change my coke bottle for a baby bottle as it has a wide neck to store tackle.

20-12-2014, 10:47 PM
Awesome idea. My 19 month old boy has exactly those NUK bottles but is now skilled enough to drink from a cup. He doesn't need them anymore.

21-12-2014, 12:31 AM
I can't say what I would use as an "emergency" fishing kit...don't think I would find myself miles and miles from civilisation and in desperate need of fish to fry :p. If things turned ugly, say, I bust an ankle hiking up a mountain in the Catskills, fishing and other forms of hunting are not going to be on my mind.
A minimalist fishing setup is also impractical for me. It is illegal to fish with hand lines here (though it's perfectly OK in Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire), so I'd have to use a rod, and many states have fiddly regulations defining what a rod is, and I doubt I could get away with a cut branch...I certainly don't want to find out the hard way and get in trouble with the wardens :eek:.
So, my kit consists of a 7.5 ft Redington Classic Trout fly rod, which has 4 pieces to assemble, the case to carry it in, my Lamson Konic II reel with backing, line, and leader set up, my fly box (just an old Altoid's tin), forceps, a line straightener, and some extra leaders stowed in a pocket.
Something else to consider is that many lakes, rivers, and streams in the northeast are contaminated with mercury, lead, or PCBs...and so are the fish, so eat at your own risk. My normal routine is catch-and-release, since there are only a few rivers I trust.

21-12-2014, 12:14 PM

It's not an emergency kit, but I bring this minimal fishing kit when I go on the beach.


Yeah, that's a baby feed :rolleye:

I put all my gear in it, and the fishing line around it. It has a perfect curve which prevent the line to go out.
Totally waterproof, it fleets and can't be lost !

Excellent idea T^

jacob karhu
22-12-2014, 03:32 PM
ps."It floats".....hope that helps.

Edited ! Thanks for the remark, really help me ;)

You're welcome for the tip :)
Hope, u'll catch some fish !