View Full Version : Making fishing gear

20-12-2014, 06:49 AM
Does anybody make their own gear/tackle I use vintage cane rods and old centrepin reels as well as modern stuff I like to make what I can eg floats etc.

Swan quill floats

Ash landing net

I would be interested to see what others make


20-12-2014, 10:26 AM
Hi Dave nice looking tackle.
Takes me back to my childhood.When we had to make tackle,cos could neither afford or wasn't available!
Not a angler these days,(shooter)but there are several who have posted re fishing etc.
I remember "Midge Fodder"Ties flies....

20-12-2014, 11:50 AM

And here it is in action:


20-12-2014, 12:31 PM
Reading this with interest. It's been a few years since I have done serious angling making my own tackle etc.. used to make Devon Minnows, Spinning Jenny's, Kynocks carved out of a piece of broom handle & thinner dowelling then painted, hooks & line affixed, as well as reed floats. Oldest fishing reel I had was a Mitchell 350 circa 1957+ used it for spares to fix another 350 late 1990's. These days fishing is usually YoYo or Hobo reel. Thanks for sharing your ice fishing tackle & trip Rune.

20-12-2014, 01:04 PM
Thanks for the video,Rune n Family.Looks like a goodtime was had by all!
Always fancied a bit of ice fishing,But got posted to the jungle.instead.
Love the little "rod",.In UK,I think you have to have a little rod/stick,to legally fish with a handline.
All the best to you n yours for the festive season.M

20-12-2014, 02:08 PM
Interesting do you just jig the lure?


20-12-2014, 06:56 PM
other than lures from paperclips and old coke cans/tin foil not really
and the odd hook from safety pins... thats about the extent of my fishing gear creativity

ian c
20-12-2014, 07:23 PM
SWMBO and I make our own rigs for fishing and our own fishing weights, sometimes I make a few mackeral feathers and I have made a few floats out of balsa and porcupine quills and feathers but no where as nice as the ones you have made.
Midge fodder makes his own flies which are a work of art.

20-12-2014, 07:51 PM
Interesting do you just jig the lure?


If that question is for me?

You have a small #8 or #10 hook with a worm or best a maggot or 3 on it. This you attach to the spoon lure by 10-20 cm of line...and then you just drop it and jig it.

02-01-2015, 08:49 AM
I do make some of my own. Fly boxes included. I think it comes down to time, a commodity I haven't had much of in recent times.

08-01-2015, 02:49 PM
Recently been putting together improvised Hobo/Yo-Yo fishing reel gear for a group Bushcraft instruction session. Last year we had a very successful impromptu meet on the river bank which provided a few supported Service users with Special Needs who came along on a days supervised fly fishing, giving an insight into Bushcraft & Hobo Yo-Yo fishing. Anyway, a old use for plastic Chapstick/Lip balm containers once the contents have been used, cleaned out with soapy water, these can be used for small fishing kits, the internal holds some fishing hooks, line, & weights, in a small plastic bag, where the container minus the outer plastic product details wrap used as the fishing float. Alternative the fishing line can be wrapped around the outer balm tube held in place with small float rubber bands. Small float rubber bands were affixed too as to alter the line drop length. It does work BTW.

20-01-2015, 12:44 PM
Recently been putting together improvised Hobo/Yo-Yo fishing reel gear for a group Bushcraft instruction session. Last year we had a very successful impromptu meet on the river bank which provided a few supported Service users with Special Needs who came along on a days supervised fly fishing, giving an insight into Bushcraft & Hobo Yo-Yo fishing. Anyway, a old use for plastic Chapstick/Lip balm containers once the contents have been used, cleaned out with soapy water, these can be used for small fishing kits, the internal holds some fishing hooks, line, & weights, in a small plastic bag, where the container minus the outer plastic product details wrap used as the fishing float. Alternative the fishing line can be wrapped around the outer balm tube held in place with small float rubber bands. Small float rubber bands were affixed too as to alter the line drop length. It does work BTW.

The only thing I would change would be adding some soft elastic inline as a shock absorber. Saves loosing a catch if your mono is worn etc. always have some in my fishing tin for that reason if you have it in a lurid colour it also works as an indicator.

20-01-2015, 03:25 PM
Sun came creeping back over the horizon today, So I guess I'll have to go look over my tackle and get the ice fishing season started. Plan to do at least one hammock overnighter by a nice lake :-)
Last time I attempted that I had a very nice evening and night by the lakeside. But in the morning I woke up to a half meter of snow, and gale force winds over the lake, so I chickend out on the fshing....

21-01-2015, 02:48 PM
Midge_Fodder thanks for the tip. My young friend David Barr 'Young Fly Fisher' from South Lanarkshire has offered some tuition I'm arranging to meet he in the tackle shop where he has been working in Glasgow & going through some expert tips & tricks with he.

11-02-2015, 10:15 AM
Ahhh with a name like Barr there's no surprising he's great.