View Full Version : New Project - A Whatsitcalled for my Hunting Licence

23-12-2014, 02:38 PM
Hey Guys,
a fresh 3 kg load of scrap leather arrived this week. I guess it is scrap from an upholstery shop as it is very fine and soft leather for furniture or carseats. Unfortunately the load held more whitish, creme coloured leather as I would have like but...what the hell. It was reaaaaaal cheap so I will not complain.

Yesterday evening I had enough time to get the sewing awl back into action and make new home (or whatsitcalled as I do not know the english term for this kind of whatsitcalled) for my hunting licence and rifle registration papers. Outside I used a piece of the only real brown hide that came in the whole bulk. On the inside to hold the papers I used some of the creme coloured leather. As the waxed string the speedy stitcher comes with was to strong in my opinion for this project I took some other strong cotton twine. I also used normal leather sewing needles for a sewing maschine. They fit the speedy stitcher perfectly. Although you should not bend the needles as I have already snapped a few of them.

I am very happy this turned out and it will from now on replace the old one which was actually quite a posh shiny one but does not have the air and satisfying feel of a selfmade whatsitcalled.

In the progress of making



I am stil missing something to mark leather when preparing the pieces before cutting them out. Yesterday I used a fine edding (see the first picture) and in the end wiped it away with a some alcohol. Most of it went away but left some darkish smudge on the leather (I new the risk I was taking with the edding so it is now better than I expected it to be). How do you guys make markings on leather without ruining it? A very very soft Pencil? Tailor's chalk?

Does anyone have an idea how I can change the colour of the white leather/creme leather? This would really help!


23-12-2014, 03:01 PM
wallet is what i would call that...

nice work...

my leather stitching leaves alot to be desired...

i have lots of leather... handy for many uses...
strops, pouches for slingshots, carry cases for many different things... sheaths for knives or tomahawks... even to repair thing that need extra strenght... but i have never made a wallet...

i have a wallet from america... i suggest not getting an american wallet... £20's and £50's stick out the side...

24-12-2014, 10:24 AM
Wallet.... hmmm... kind of but it doesn't really hit the spot!

24-12-2014, 12:44 PM
Nice practical job.!!
H.P.H....Hunting Permit Holder.
In UK we don't require one,and in Croatia,it is only the size of a playing card n comes in a clear plastic holder.
Merry Christmas n A Healthy n Wealthy New Year.
Gute Hunting.

24-12-2014, 05:17 PM
H.P.H. ain't to bad! I was thinking about a sleeve! Is it a sleeve? Naaaaaw

25-12-2014, 07:21 AM