View Full Version : Hi from birmingham

09-01-2015, 02:57 PM

My name is Greg and my other half is Alison (Ali to most people).
We like to get out into the countryside and do a fair bit of walking up in the peak district. I have always had an interest in nature and most things outdoors. We have a small'ish tent and a four birth jobie for longer breaks. It just seemed the next step to learn a little about bushcraft. I bought a firesteel and searched a few websites to find how to use it correctly. With the aid of a bit of birch bark or Ahem cotton wool, i can get a fire going ok. It was when i was searching the net that i came across this site, its one hell of a good source of info and advice, cheers.

A couple of questions if thats ok..

I noticed that there is a bushcraft show 23rd - 25th may. They sell a 3 day pass for the show. The price seems a little steep when compared with purchasing 2 one day passes. They say that it includes free passes for activities but they do not say what these are. I emailed them but have not yet had any reply.
Are there any folk off here going, and is it worth the camping 3 day pass?

One more bit of advice please.
My wife has said she will treat me to a bushcraft knife.
Having done a bit of a search, what do people think of the Bushcraft Store Boar Bushcraft knife in carbon steel? I realise that knives are probably a very personal choice though.

Anyway, thanks for reading.


09-01-2015, 03:13 PM
Hi Greg and welcome to the fold. :)

Sorry don't know about the Bushcraft show as it's always on at the same time as a canoeing holiday/meet and the knife....well don't know much about that particular knife, not much help so far I'm afraid. I use a Mora (heavy duty) knife, cheap as chips and can hold an edge well and can take quite a beating I have yet to break one even though they gets some heavy(ish) treatment. Again my choice to do that.


09-01-2015, 03:32 PM
:welcome: Dia duit, Greg...fáilte go dtí an bpobal Bushcraft. :campfire:
As far as the Bushcraft Show, I know a lot of folks have gone to them, but attending meets in your local area will cost you nothing, and knowledge is offered for free. Here's the Meetups and Gathering (http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?22-Meetups-amp-Gatherings) section for you to check out.
Choosing a knife depends a lot on what you want to do with that blade. In my eyes I shouldn't have to pay over $100 for a suitable Bushcraft knife, one that I like. A lot of well-seasoned folks and instructors (such as Mors Kochanski) use inexpensive Moras instead of pricier blades because the quality is just as good. A custom knife is indeed a personal choice, but for me, I'm quite happy with a simple puukko like the Martiini Arctic Circle I carry.

09-01-2015, 04:42 PM
Hi & welcome

09-01-2015, 07:45 PM
I will have to check out the midlands meets.
Other than mail order, are there any stockists of Mora knives in the midlands? I did a check for stockists but it only seems to mention the company names not addresses.


09-01-2015, 10:13 PM
Welcome to the community Greg. Moras are easily obtained from mail order companies such as Ray Mears Woodlore site and won't cost you more than £15.

10-01-2015, 12:25 PM
:welcome: to the forum.
As for the bushcraft show and activities, I have never been due to the price and they probably haven't decided what the activities are yet.

10-01-2015, 03:06 PM
Hello Greg, welcome to NB..:)

10-01-2015, 07:35 PM
Just had an email back from the organisers of the bushcraft show.
They havent yet decieded what the passes will cover. It seems a little strange as they are selling and promoting them:confused2:

Just noticed the smillie symbol:D

10-01-2015, 08:08 PM
Hi Greg and :welcome: from Shropshire T^, Ken . Knife.. Mora or Hultafors although I have quite a collection of others :zombie-fighting:

11-01-2015, 11:20 AM
I have just ordered a Mora Robust Highq knife from the bushcraft store.
It seems a good starting point, and it was only £9.76 on offer. Can't go too wrong at that price.

11-01-2015, 05:32 PM
Hello and welcome.

Good choice on the Mora.


12-01-2015, 12:34 PM
Hio Greg n Ali,welcome to the forum.

If you can afford the knife of your dreams ?Buy it n enjoy it.
But also buy a Mora.RM's were offering two of the heavy duty carbon ones for under £20.to celibrate,"30Years of Bushcraft",complete with the woodlore logo.etched into the blade.
Though I have many more expensive knives. more than often than not I clip a mora to my belt.

12-01-2015, 04:03 PM
Hio Greg n Ali,welcome to the forum.

If you can afford the knife of your dreams ?Buy it n enjoy it.
But also buy a Mora.RM's were offering two of the heavy duty carbon ones for under £20.to celibrate,"30Years of Bushcraft",complete with the woodlore logo.etched into the blade.
Though I have many more expensive knives. more than often than not I clip a mora to my belt.

Waiting on delivery of my Mora.
Regarding the more up market bushcraft knives, i suppose its a bit like the world of cars... a ford or vauxhal will do the job, but people still hanker for an Aston Martin or similar. It must be connected to the feelgood factor that an upmarket model gives you.
Going to take a drive out to Lake Vyrnwy tomorrow as i am on holiday this week. They have a very good bird hide there for spotting a few of our feathered freinds (another one of my interests). Its a beautiful area for a walk as well.
Also been practicing a few knots as well.

Cheers all


13-01-2015, 01:42 AM
Waiting on delivery of my Mora.
Regarding the more up market bushcraft knives, i suppose its a bit like the world of cars... a ford or vauxhal will do the job, but people still hanker for an Aston Martin or similar. It must be connected to the feelgood factor that an upmarket model gives you.
Going to take a drive out to Lake Vyrnwy tomorrow as i am on holiday this week. They have a very good bird hide there for spotting a few of our feathered freinds (another one of my interests). Its a beautiful area for a walk as well.
Also been practicing a few knots as well.

Cheers all
Greg And a very good hide and walk it is too. There is one a bit closer near my neck of the woods on a water filled gravel pit just outside Welshpool heading to Newtown (lots of water birds) have a good day, Ken.12828