09-01-2015, 10:05 PM
Back home in the shadow of the South Downs 2 days earlier than I planned.. In a previous post I mentioned that my own assessment of my land navigation skills showed I was at best rusty if not completely pants..:ashamed: A self imposed refresher course was called for, so accordingly I chucked my camping gear in my 4x4 and headed South West where I had obtained permission to camp on an isolated farm...isolated being a fair description too..
General views of the area..
Somewhere at the end of that valley track is home..
I'm used to backpacking my gear in normally, so this is luxury but I'm allowed to wimp out as I'm 300 miles from home..
First things check area.... Area clear ok, ...Now check comms...Ha! forget it..No good shouting for help here mate..:D
First couple of days I got some good walking in, weather was very windy and wild with frequent rain squalls but very mild for January. Good practice map and compass treks and variety between woodland and open moorland navigation.
Following the river to a point on the map and then off on a bearing through the woods..
Never seen this before.. Rhododendrons actually growing from out of the trunk of a fallen Fir Tree.
High on the Moor are the remains of a Medieval village abandoned at the time of the Black Death 1348-50, I'm fairly certain this was the Watch Tower, Stronghold, Gate House or something similar..
And the remains of the walled village, taken over by Nature..Main entrance??
It would be exposure or injury that would kill you up here...not thirst..
On the 3rd night the weather worsened and torrential rain fell all night. Not a problem but the wind picked up and coming off the high Moor it accelerated down the valley like an express train. The tent is a modest 3 season affair but is well used and pretty tough. Not this trip though...:p
During the night one of the pegging points failed resulting in daylight remedies..
I've since heard that areas of England and Scotland were battered by 100MPH winds at the same time. I can't say they were that hard where I was but, at times during the next 2 days the tents was on occasion almost literally flattened by gusts roaring down through these Pine Trees..I would hear the gust coming down the valley, then in the trees and then the tent would get battered.
With all the rain the nearby river had seemingly gone on Steroids..
And the tent was starting to fail..
Time to get out. I hadn't seen another person in 5 days, help was miles away, so time to invoke the old.."Well any fool can be uncomfortable"... Time to get out..
And you can stop tweeting too Mate ( He was watching while I fought to get the madly flapping tent down)..;)
Map and compass skills back up to scratch..just got to fix my tent now...:D
General views of the area..
Somewhere at the end of that valley track is home..
I'm used to backpacking my gear in normally, so this is luxury but I'm allowed to wimp out as I'm 300 miles from home..
First things check area.... Area clear ok, ...Now check comms...Ha! forget it..No good shouting for help here mate..:D
First couple of days I got some good walking in, weather was very windy and wild with frequent rain squalls but very mild for January. Good practice map and compass treks and variety between woodland and open moorland navigation.
Following the river to a point on the map and then off on a bearing through the woods..
Never seen this before.. Rhododendrons actually growing from out of the trunk of a fallen Fir Tree.
High on the Moor are the remains of a Medieval village abandoned at the time of the Black Death 1348-50, I'm fairly certain this was the Watch Tower, Stronghold, Gate House or something similar..
And the remains of the walled village, taken over by Nature..Main entrance??
It would be exposure or injury that would kill you up here...not thirst..
On the 3rd night the weather worsened and torrential rain fell all night. Not a problem but the wind picked up and coming off the high Moor it accelerated down the valley like an express train. The tent is a modest 3 season affair but is well used and pretty tough. Not this trip though...:p
During the night one of the pegging points failed resulting in daylight remedies..
I've since heard that areas of England and Scotland were battered by 100MPH winds at the same time. I can't say they were that hard where I was but, at times during the next 2 days the tents was on occasion almost literally flattened by gusts roaring down through these Pine Trees..I would hear the gust coming down the valley, then in the trees and then the tent would get battered.
With all the rain the nearby river had seemingly gone on Steroids..
And the tent was starting to fail..
Time to get out. I hadn't seen another person in 5 days, help was miles away, so time to invoke the old.."Well any fool can be uncomfortable"... Time to get out..
And you can stop tweeting too Mate ( He was watching while I fought to get the madly flapping tent down)..;)
Map and compass skills back up to scratch..just got to fix my tent now...:D