View Full Version : Redwing

22-01-2015, 08:55 AM
Had a first yesterday - first time I'd seen a redwing!
I was really pleased to have seen one.
Managed to get a couple of pictures before it flew off. Sorry about being slightly out of focus, they were taken on a mobile...




22-01-2015, 03:55 PM
Nice photos, eye stripe shows well. Strangely the best place to see them locally (If you're lucky) is on our local Golf course. There's an area which is a sun trap and the ground stays soft when the frosts come. I've seen them there in the past, but not often.

22-01-2015, 05:37 PM
Pic's are more than good enough for a positive ID T^

Ashley Cawley
15-02-2015, 03:56 PM
Great photos considering you were using a mobile! :o

Pretty sure we had a flock of redwing chattering away near to our camp this morning, a flock flew in from a nearby field high up into the top of a big Beech tree, constant chattering from them all talking... I didn't recognise the calls to be honest and the shear continuous nature of it, I suppose just due to the large number of them (probably around 50-100). Tony & Neil/Chubbs were still in bed at this point! - Oh well, we were up till 2am. :rolleye:

On the way out of the farm I could see large numbers of what I think were Redwing flying for the hedges taking cover, they could have been Fieldfare I suppose (couldn't look to closely whilst driving) but the calls heard earlier in the morn make me think redwing.