View Full Version : 10,000 BC Experiment
28-01-2015, 12:15 PM
20 volunteers attempt to live in the equivalent of the stone age.
Channel 5 Monday 2nd Feb' 10pm.
28-01-2015, 12:18 PM
I was looking at the trailers for this, it should be interesting.
28-01-2015, 12:32 PM
Thanks for the head up!!
Seem to remember a similar "experiment"some years ago???
28-01-2015, 12:44 PM
You are correct midas. I just hope this reality experiment shows some Bushcraft & not just another excuse for some wannabe celebrities having a greet & moan at the expense of the TV licence fee :wink:
Thanks for the head up!!
Seem to remember a similar "experiment"some years ago???
28-01-2015, 01:22 PM
You are correct midas. I just hope this reality experiment shows some Bushcraft & not just another excuse for some wannabe celebrities having a greet & moan at the expense of the TV licence fee :wink:
I'll second that!!David.!lol.m
28-01-2015, 07:19 PM
Don't panic celebrities were never mentioned and I also remember the previous program along the same lines T^
29-01-2015, 05:35 PM
I mean as in wannabe not actual celebs :wink:
Don't panic celebrities were never mentioned and I also remember the previous program along the same lines T^
03-02-2015, 06:49 PM
I watched it but wasn`t sure what to make of it. Who turns up at this sort of thing wearing high heels for god sake, they obviously had a briefing beforehand.
The selection process must`ve been pants, one 65 year old passes out from the heat within moments of arriving on site, and a 20 something gets homesick for his nan whilst digging the latrine.
I`m also puzzled at the location, if I was mesolithic I wouldn`t set up camp near a manky pool of still water which would soon go stagnant, I`d pick somewhere near a good flowing river, or if near the coast an estuary.
The health and safety aspect makes it all a bit of a mute exercise really, fly larvae in the furs, tough titty, our forebears had to deal with it.
What`s with the boots and socks ?, at least give them sandals or something more in keeping.
Picking larvae out of meat, our forebears would`ve cooked the lot and had worms. During the examinations of the Viking cesspits at York, it was found that they would have been riddled with the parasites, so 10,000years ago they would have been absolutely rancid.
All I see this as is a themed survival exercise, they might as well have kitted them out in modern clothing and a pocket knife, it would get the same results.
03-02-2015, 08:21 PM
You must of blinked when they said due to H&S rules they had to supply them with fresh water, so they made a pond which will be refilled with water from a container.
I was wondering about the elderly lady and then problem solved.
There was a sudden reality check on their faces when he dragged the deer out and basically said "there you go" :evilgrin:
03-02-2015, 08:46 PM
You must of blinked when they said due to H&S rules they had to supply them with fresh water, so they made a pond which will be refilled with water from a container.
I did hear it but given the water was still and the amount of flies around, what condition is the water going to be in even after a few hours, bearing in mind that they have no vessels in which to boil it ?
As entertainment it is ok but as an historical or archaelogical experiment then it`s a bit naff. :)
03-02-2015, 09:29 PM
It's been of interest so far & some valid points made in reply. On water purification I would have thought there would have been some method of boiling water taught to them, although they did say something about a DVD & manual training beforehand? I could think of a few methods minus a set of billy cans etc.. keeping in line with the historic timeline of events. I agree with you "As entertainment it is ok but as an historical or archaeological experiment then it's a bit naff" delboy so hopefully once the Instructor goes, it's down to some proper Bushcraft. Say's he when they pull out a SAK or a Leatherman then start squabbling over a Gränsfors Bruk axe v flint head tools? :rolleye:
I did hear it but given the water was still and the amount of flies around, what condition is the water going to be in even after a few hours, bearing in mind that they have no vessels in which to boil it ? As entertainment it is ok but as an historical or archaelogical experiment then it`s a bit naff. :)
ian c
03-02-2015, 09:49 PM
I would like to know what the survival DVD was so I don't bother with it! and what training did they get? who in their right mind would turn up wearing high heels knowing what they are there for.
03-02-2015, 11:04 PM
Yesterday they had flints, today a hand axe magically appeared....and a vessel for boiling water. I get the feeling that this is just going to turn into a bunch of people getting very hungry and not much else.
04-02-2015, 05:02 PM
Interesting piece written on the programme here
04-02-2015, 08:49 PM
As said I think there's some cuttings on the floor, outtakes that would explain more. I noted them washing the maggots off the Deer ribs that were festering in the drinking water pool :shocked: see them coming down with the squats for starters :oops: I agree with what you say ian.
10-02-2015, 02:05 PM
After last night`s episode I`m left wondering as to why the camp wasn`t placed closer to the lake ? It would stand to reason that people of the time would have placed their camp around food and water sources, so close enough to the lake for fishing, and close enough to the woods for foraging. Why expend energy walking long distances to either ?
10-02-2015, 03:49 PM
Watched it this am recorded.Fell asleep last nite it was so boring!!
Pathetic is the word I'd choose to describe it overal.
As its programmed to record whole season ! I no doubt will watch each episode!
But will not be sitting on the edge of my anticipation!!
11-02-2015, 08:04 AM
Quote "After last night`s episode I`m left wondering as to why the camp wasn`t placed closer to the lake ? It would stand to reason that people of the time would have placed their camp around food and water sources, so close enough to the lake for fishing, and close enough to the woods for foraging. Why expend energy walking long distances to either ?" My thoughts exactly. I was thinking keeping with the experiment, why didn't they introduce a temporary group into the area nomads passing through, doing a trade, exchange of ideas etc.. suggesting to move camp to the lake, assist build a new camp & then leave them to it? At the lake I'm shouting "build a raft.. nets.. narrow them fish traps ends.." Is there a hint on screen as I've noted the camera panning towards the Bullrushes great source of food supplement, tinder, & from a fishing aspect usually cover/shelter for some fish. If it weren't for the Bushcraft element I'd switch off.. :campfire:
11-02-2015, 10:02 AM
I agree, the bushcraft element is why I keep watching although there is precious little of that.
Last night a few left, one leaver stated that she felt proud she had lasted 8 days....pitiful. They had to call the medics in and pump them all full of nutrients. The vege went down from suspected food poisoning, one bloke is just plain lazy but still there.
I think the quote of the week from one participant about the lazy bloke was "out of a million sperm his was the one which got through. Darwin`s theory was wrong".
Looks like it snows next week and they have to evacuate the camp for a while as it gets so cold.
Car crash TV....
11-02-2015, 02:26 PM
With the impending Ice Age I would have hoped they give each contestant the opportunity to continue or not? Maybe give those from the original auditions who were unfortunate not to make the series, invite a few to make up the numbers, introduce fresh meat. I'll agree with You midas "I no doubt will watch each episode! but will not be sitting on the edge of my seat in anticipation!!" .
11-02-2015, 03:46 PM
Unbelievable rubbish. Fancy throwing them in at the deep end without even the basic knowledge.
Can't wait to see who bails next :evilgrin:
11-02-2015, 04:44 PM
With the impending Ice Age I would have hoped they give each contestant the opportunity to continue or not? Maybe give those from the original auditions who were unfortunate not to make the series, invite a few to make up the numbers, introduce fresh meat. I'll agree with You midas "I no doubt will watch each episode! but will not be sitting on the edge of my seat in anticipation!!" .
It might have been an idea to introduce "two tribes" in two separate camps from the start, and not let the other know that they`re there. Place them a couple of km`s apart. It could`ve made an interesting comparison, a bit of competition ? Or maybe the "can do`s" would`ve ended up migrating to one camp, and the "can`t do`s" falling by the wayside.
As it stands then the "experiment" has been compromised because outside help was needed.
As Valantine mentioned, there was apparently too little knowledge over too short a time period to enable the participants a reasonable chance of success. That combined with some frankly lazy behaviour on the part of some involved who shouldn`t have even got through the screening process.
ian c
11-02-2015, 09:07 PM
I also watched last nights episode and found it annoying, David_JAFO has pointed out some very valid points and I agree how did half of them get through the selection process? on something like that they should all pull together find out what strengths and weaknesses everyone has then make a plan so that everyone has tasks that they can do, hunting, fishing, shelter building, sewing, cooking ect, give them tasks that they are good at.
There is no I in team.
11-02-2015, 10:35 PM
Did anyone other than myself notice a couple of the women were wearing makeup on day 8+ :confused2:
12-02-2015, 10:28 AM
Did anyone other than myself notice a couple of the women were wearing makeup on day 8+ :confused2:
I`m afraid I missed that element Valantine. If they were then the whole thing is a bigger farce than I thought possible.
One thing that wasn`t mentioned was women`s periods, they`re there for two months so some would have had to deal with this. In contrast the 1978 programme "Living in the Past" was going to have a separate hut for women during their menstrual period but decided against it, and allowed them to use modern sanitary towels for the duration.
Whilst the 1978 programme wasn`t perfect, it was years ahead of the current offering and yet nearly 40 years in the past.
18-02-2015, 08:07 PM
Still watching BTW. Yes Jodie & Josie O'Rourke mom wearing black eye liner mascara or pot ash/charcoal from the fire? :confused2:
Did anyone other than myself notice a couple of the women were wearing makeup on day 8+ :confused2:
19-02-2015, 11:43 AM
Looked like more clay pots and a roof tile have apeared in the latest prog.What a load of tosh 5 remaining.Where were we at selection,could we have made it,only 30 days I think, there are a lot on here that have talked about doing the same sort of thing.:confused2:
19-02-2015, 06:32 PM
Farce or failure, I reckon both :oops:
19-02-2015, 06:44 PM
I`m afraid I missed that element Valantine. If they were then the whole thing is a bigger farce than I thought possible.
One thing that wasn`t mentioned was women`s periods, they`re there for two months so some would have had to deal with this. In contrast the 1978 programme "Living in the Past" was going to have a separate hut for women during their menstrual period but decided against it, and allowed them to use modern sanitary towels for the duration.
Whilst the 1978 programme wasn`t perfect, it was years ahead of the current offering and yet nearly 40 years in the past.
The issue was discussed in the first programme I believe
19-02-2015, 11:22 PM
Was it just me, or did that chap Steve, who was the self appointed leader, come across as extremely arrogant when he left ?
Despite my reservations about the programme, it would seem that with the further 7 days training, the remaining participants do seem to be able to perform some tasks now instead of lazing around. The lorry driver chap seems to be the most adaptable to the situation, bit unfortunate that he became ill.
03-03-2015, 09:59 PM
Well the programme hit a new low, one bloke got accused of touching up a female when they were all in bed, and got told to leave by the others. The female was all smiles at the meeting, I`m not sure if that is the normal reaction to being touched up by a stranger ? The evidence seemed to be six of one and half dozen of the other, all a bit odd especially as the bloke has to return to his normal life with that hanging over him.
Sad thing is he was the only bloke who was making a reasonable effort at the bushcraft side of things. Last episode next Monday but it has become even more farcical if that was even possible.
03-03-2015, 10:05 PM
I reckon that JP was working for the production company, and the only two of any real use were Mike and Paul(the accused).
What a farcical set up just to get extra rations.
Have you seen the headline in the Sun newspaper -->
I certainly wouldn't trust those two with my pocket change.
04-03-2015, 07:16 AM
I'd like to see the editors cut edition of this programme, there's bound to be something salvageable that resembles actual Bushcraft activity. Maybe they were whittling utensils off camera, discussing the finer points of flint tools to a Mora knife, flint axe to a Gränsfors Bruk :p Watching the trip to the lake I have been shouting "Please.. take the bow & arrow & spear fish.." I've watched the series so far & I shall endeavour to watch it till last next Monday.
05-03-2015, 02:42 PM
I have been shouting "Please.. take the bow & arrow & spear fish.." I've watched the series so far & I shall endeavour to watch it till last next Monday.
I don't understand why any of them would go anywhere without a weapon, a chance kill etc
Also stalking any animal with a camera man, sound recordist and a safety team with shotguns would be difficult to say the least
05-03-2015, 02:57 PM
I don't understand why any of them would go anywhere without a weapon, a chance kill etc
Also stalking any animal with a camera man, sound recordist and a safety team with shotguns would be difficult to say the least
09-03-2015, 11:00 PM
Thank God it's over.
10-03-2015, 08:58 AM
Its not over
10-03-2015, 02:52 PM
Series 2 coming up :rolleye: I was chatting online 10,000BC Klint Janulis he's Ex-Marine, Army SF, Trauma Medic, & a Survival Instructor. Presently working on archaeology doctorate at Oxford university. So.. who's applying for series 2?
10-03-2015, 02:58 PM
I'll pass.!!!
10-03-2015, 03:06 PM
Go on midas you know you want to :Sorry:
I'll pass.!!!
10-03-2015, 03:20 PM
I'd rather resort to canabalizm!!!!
Now thats n
10-03-2015, 03:25 PM
"Dear 10,000BC.. blah.. blah.. blah.. cannibalism.. blah.. blah.. blah.. :evilgrin:
I'd rather resort to canabalizm!!!!
Now thats n
10-03-2015, 05:16 PM
Thank God it's over.
I couldn`t agree more, what a shocking waste of money. I can`t believe they`re thinking of a second series.
18-03-2015, 09:19 PM
Anyone missing 10000BC? :oops: Awaits massive surge in replies..
19-03-2015, 10:14 AM
I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat thinking about it............................................seri es 2 that is. That was very cruel David:evilgrin:
19-03-2015, 10:28 AM
Mascara sales are down.
Never seen such a happy victim of "sex/grouping" abuse.
Aint missed a wink of sleep.
20-03-2015, 10:19 AM
I was trying to find details if contraband i.e. mascara was smuggled in? they allegedly all signed a document not to discuss the series before, during, or after filming. I do apologise Rasputin there's a load of lemonades in apology lined up on Lauders Bar waiting on you to sample them.. :p
[QUOTE=midas;126953]Mascara sales are down..
20-03-2015, 12:01 PM
I do apologise Rasputin there's a load of lemonades in apology lined up on Lauders Bar waiting on you to sample them..
I hope the lemonade is made by Tennants lol. :please:
22-03-2015, 11:33 AM
Off Course slurp.. just blowing the froth off the lemonade just now sampling it to make sure it's to your satisfaction & very high standards LMAO :wink:
I hope the lemonade is made by Tennants lol. :please:
03-01-2016, 11:24 PM
Oh yes it's back..:evilgrin: 10,000 BC Two Tribes is coming soon to Channel 5. Sad I know.. :p
11-01-2016, 08:18 PM
HEADS UP.. 10000BC:Two Tribes starts on Wednesday 20th January at 10pm on Channel 5
:Sorry: I just had to say it..
11-01-2016, 08:51 PM
I await with baited breath...or something like that.
If its owt like the other,with two teams it'll be twice as bad.!!!!!
12-01-2016, 12:08 PM
I await with baited breath...or something like that.
If its owt like the other,with two teams it'll be twice as bad.!!!!!
LOL. Good point. Happy New year to you also Midas!
12-01-2016, 04:40 PM
Happy New Year Midas. Aye it might even be worth paying the licence fee.. :p
I await with baited breath...or something like that.
If its owt like the other,with two teams it'll be twice as bad.!!!!!
20-01-2016, 02:36 PM
Heads Up.. it's finally here tonight lads & lassies just incase you forgot (ahem) :p 10000BC:Two Tribes starts tonight Wednesday 20th January at 10pm on Channel 5 :Sorry:
Awaiting to be banned now by Admin.. :innocent:
05-02-2016, 07:35 AM
C'mon someone on the forum must be watching it.. :please:
05-02-2016, 01:43 PM
I watched the latest episode yesterday...I won't be using catchup to see the rest; Utter B*&^%$^$
ian c
05-02-2016, 08:45 PM
I watched it last night as it was recorded and noticed that they have each got a metal water bottle why don't they use them for boiling water in or try cutting the top off so it can be used like a small cooking pot and use the rest of it to make fish hooks, also the skins they have look like they have been machine stitched so they could be unpicked and the thread can be used for other things like fishing line.
06-02-2016, 05:56 PM
Aye snap. They burned the bottles as the covers were infested with maggots. Maggots = Bait :p I've had my rant at the screen too.. instead of bitching about each other (playing to the camera) why not go foraging when they go from pillar to post? They should be sitting around the camp fire at night doing something creative. One thing that has crossed my mind, they're in an ideal place by the lake all that mud.. why not adobe ram the mud in-between the supports of the outer shelter, seal it, the warm weather would set the adobe (mud) in time for the pending adverse weather conditions & at present keep the mozzies out. What's really miffed me off.. the drop outs. WTF did they apply for the project in the first instance? I think if one drops (wimps) out a replacement should have been brought in, give them the opportunity of the 10,000BC experience. As for the Boar hunting trip.. :Sorry: On the positive side if you switch channels thereafter Ray Mears Bushcraft is on the Travel Channel (back to reality).
I watched it last night as it was recorded and noticed that they have each got a metal water bottle why don't they use them for boiling water in or try cutting the top off so it can be used like a small cooking pot and use the rest of it to make fish hooks, also the skins they have look like they have been machine stitched so they could be unpicked and the thread can be used for other things like fishing line.
17-02-2016, 09:09 PM
HEADS UP.. 10000BC:Two Tribes finally tonight double episode Channel 5.. or Life Below Zero (The Thaw) Travel Channel :wink:
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