View Full Version : Had a great day at the forge

08-02-2015, 07:28 PM
Very good day today, had a road trip up to my friend Matthew's forge near Durham and spent the day with him and Mark Grimes of Yorkshire Bushcraft, smiting hot steel, exchanging tales, firing Matthews new crossbow and drinking tea! Had an interesting lunch including crickets, grasshoppers, meal worms and buffalo worms, all of which were surprisingly pleasant! Mark kindly gave me some amadou to play with and some yew to make knife scales and I used the new knife filing a jig to make a full range knife from a power harrow tine. Shape is a little unusual due to the shape of the tine but feels very comfortable to hold and is shaving sharp! Just needs some scales making and fitting. To top it all, the day ended with the most beautiful sunset!

http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o775/beer-maker/IMAG0528_zpso9tgqwbh.jpg (http://s1342.photobucket.com/user/beer-maker/media/IMAG0528_zpso9tgqwbh.jpg.html)
http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o775/beer-maker/IMAG0531_zpshe7oxwda.jpg (http://s1342.photobucket.com/user/beer-maker/media/IMAG0531_zpshe7oxwda.jpg.html)

08-02-2015, 08:03 PM
always good to meet up with friends. Sounds like the day went well.
like the look of the knife to.

08-02-2015, 08:17 PM
Cheers Ross 😊 the blade has an unusual upsweep from the handle but feels comfortable to use and the shape fitted the steel well which reduced the amount of forging needed before grinding. Should look better once it's cleaned and had handles fitted

08-02-2015, 09:31 PM
Fred dibner would be proud of you mate! I love all the old industrial stuff, must be the Sheffield in my blood

08-02-2015, 10:45 PM
I knew there was something I liked about you - some proper Yorkshire blood!! Funny you should mention Feed Dibnah, my old man and I have a traction engine too! Albeit a model, though it's still big enough at 1/3 full size and rated at 7 tons torque at the draw bar!

08-02-2015, 11:07 PM
Awesome, i went to the royal Cornwall show last year and spent the day at the cider tent, which just happened to be right by all the traction engines, that smell is better than sex! The cider was good too as you can see! Lol12982