View Full Version : Robin Singing - Little Camp Visitor

Ashley Cawley
15-02-2015, 05:12 PM
We had a little visitor to our camp this morning, a Robin singing away.


I was testing my new 300mm zoom lens which I haven't used for filming video yet, I've stabilised the video afterwards as it was shot free-hand, not bad results I don't think considering the lighting was far from ideal also.

15-02-2015, 05:24 PM
T^ Great footage, Ash, most of our Robins have gone south, but apparently a few will stick around. As of now the only tweeps I've noticed are Cardinals, a plethora of Sparrows, and Mourning Doves in the meadows and hedges. Every now and then if I listen carefully, I'll notice a gorgeous Red-tailed Hawk far above the tree canopies.

Big T
15-02-2015, 08:25 PM
Nice one mate! Was an awesome meet!

15-02-2015, 09:13 PM
Do love the sound of birdsong in the morning, was thinking of you guys whilst taking out my Ten Tors Groups. Did have a fantastic spectacle of about 2000 / 2500 starlings on a wonderful murmuration coming in to roost in the trees in the next field to us though. Got up this morning in time to see them leave as well, what a sight!

Ashley Cawley
15-02-2015, 10:11 PM
Wow, those Starlings can be a sight to behold.

I got a couple of shots of the Robin:

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7448/16356094209_c326715ab7_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qVkfYi)
Sprung Robin (https://flic.kr/p/qVkfYi) by Ashley Cawley (https://www.flickr.com/people/82702508@N03/), on Flickr


https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8679/15919799394_7e18c0be1a_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qfM8HU)
Camp Friend (https://flic.kr/p/qfM8HU) by Ashley Cawley (https://www.flickr.com/people/82702508@N03/), on Flickr

I love Robin's, he visited our camp frequently singing his little heart out, probably shouting "Get'off my land!" in his own little way.

Ashley Cawley
15-02-2015, 10:15 PM
T^ Great footage, Ash, most of our Robins have gone south, but apparently a few will stick around. As of now the only tweeps I've noticed are Cardinals, a plethora of Sparrows, and Mourning Doves in the meadows and hedges. Every now and then if I listen carefully, I'll notice a gorgeous Red-tailed Hawk far above the tree canopies.
Thankfully our Robin's (mostly) hang around and are a cheerful delight to see in Winter. We also had a bird of prey hovering above the tree-tops today, a Buzzard. Had plenty of Tawny Owls about in the woodland during the night also last night.

15-02-2015, 10:17 PM
Like that top one, reminds me of a typical wrens stance. Birds of prey seem to be doing pretty good at the moment me thinks, we had two peregrines breaking up the flock of starlings last night but they proved unsuccessful in their attempts of a meal.

Ashley Cawley
15-02-2015, 10:33 PM
Ok I'm getting more and more jealous of this starling murmuration you saw now, you had a pair of Peregrine falcon's chasing them around the sky!? That sounds brill.

Yeah the top shot reminded me of a Wren also, man Wrens can be soo cute sometimes.

15-02-2015, 10:36 PM
Nearly missed the peregrines myself, it was only because someone else had spotted them but couldn't figure out what they were that I got called over. Rather have been at the meet though.

16-02-2015, 11:07 PM
Have been watching the Starlings gather over my house for the last couple of weeks now. It started off with a few and now there are quite a few thousand. They all seem to fly in from different directions in smaller groups at about the same time each evening (5.10pm). It lasts about 15 minutes until they all get together, do their dancing and then fly to their roost.

Is this a common practice.

I have film on my camera so will try and upload it.