View Full Version : Pan fried Squirrel

07-03-2011, 04:32 PM
I did this for another forum so i thought id post it here too as my first contribution, i hope you like..

Squirrel is one of my favourite wild fare, I bagged my self one at my brothers so i thought you may like to see how i prepared it, i also salted the skin for a further project, nothing wasted.

I took the squirrel with a head shot from the top of an Oak in my brothers garden, nice and clean kill, they can be a difficult quarry and a well placed shot is needed.



Squirrels are tough buggers to skin and are more easily skinned if done strait away, i do this slightly different to a bunny as i wanted a good skin to use so first i open the skin up to the chin from the base of the tail.


I then pull of the back skin un-tuck the front legs and pull so the skin is to the eyes and using my knife make one cut just between the eyes and ears nice and neat.


I then pull the skin down and stand on it and pull the rest of the body out in one fluid movement if your slow and careful the tail comes out too..


i then remove the tail and head ready for drawing the internal organs


only the lungs are discarded, i take out the little scent glands near the anus too. open from chest down you have more control of the belly skin this way avoiding the stomach,however its no where near as smelly as a rabbit.


you then have this


The body is then jointed ready for cooking like so.


Then i pan fry it with butter salt, pepper, and while its sizzling a good glug of white wine flash it in the pan then once browned on the outside and cooked through take off the heat and rest, then enjoy it ..


07-03-2011, 04:40 PM
nice pics jp :) thank you for sharing,ive ate plenty of rabbit, wat does our old friend there taste like,fair bit of meat for a smallish animal i also like the way you use the fur nothing wasted :),what will you make a knife pouch out of it

07-03-2011, 04:47 PM
Looks yummy! :)

07-03-2011, 04:49 PM
its a rich meat very tasty, different to rabbit. I kept the skin of this one as I run tracking and wildlife courses and its good to show people what it feels and looks like close up, its very tactile. you could easily make a pouch out of it as its a very tough pelt...

07-03-2011, 05:06 PM
along the lines of pheasant meat then :),ill have try it 1 day,id imagined the skin and fur would be robust thx again

07-03-2011, 05:12 PM
Great post J_P thanks for sharing and a very warm welcome to the NaturalBushcraft forum. :)


07-03-2011, 05:46 PM
Hello mate.. I thought that was some sort of squirrel vision you had on the gun there lol..

Aaron Rushton
07-03-2011, 05:53 PM
gresat shooting and good use of quarry jp! always found squirrels hard to skin, this should help thanks!

07-03-2011, 05:55 PM
I never take a life in vein bud. Plus i like meat lol, squirrel is one of the nicest. Squirrel, hare, and muntjac are my faves....

07-03-2011, 05:57 PM
mmm looks tasty, great pics *drools*

Aaron Rushton
07-03-2011, 06:02 PM
I never take a life in vein bud. Plus i like meat lol, squirrel is one of the nicest. Squirrel, hare, and muntjac are my faves....
same morals here mate! my fav has to be pigeon. i just gopt back from a roost shoot with my s400 today, was a lovely way to sepnd an evening and got a brace of woodies in the bag.

07-03-2011, 06:04 PM
woody breast wrapped in maple syrup cured bacon pan fried in butter salt n pepper is a show stopper buddy..

beechnut mick
07-03-2011, 06:23 PM
is that outta scrivvys recipe book lol

07-03-2011, 06:26 PM
No its not curried lol ;)

beechnut mick
07-03-2011, 06:48 PM
wouldnt mind a review on the rifle and its mod,s

07-03-2011, 07:50 PM
nice pics jp :) wat does our old friend there taste like,

bit like red squirell!lol

07-03-2011, 08:43 PM
The only trouble with squirrels is.......you can't put a round peg in one! (ba-doom-tsshhh!)

Ashley Cawley
08-03-2011, 06:02 AM
Hello mate.. I thought that was some sort of squirrel vision you had on the gun there lol..
lol! - Didn't know what you meant until I went back and looked! :p Squirrel-scope mod, nice.

Thanks for sharing JP & Welcome to the forum. Love the sound of what you recommended with the Pigeon breast, I'll give that a go sometime. We bagged a woody on the weekend and had it simply on a skewer in the campfire, bloomin hansome it was :) Can't wait to get my shotgun licence soon so I can bring some more home for the pot.

08-03-2011, 07:45 AM
My fave way of serving squirrel is to either pan fry of flash roast it and serve it like crispy duck - with chinese pancakes and hoisin, Also works well as peking duck.
There are a few restaurants up this way that have it on the menu - Whole thing Braised an served on a bed of wild mushrooms. Yum!!!

08-03-2011, 08:05 AM
ash i dont know if you know this m8 but you dont need a shotgun licence :),only if you want to hold one on youre premises youll need one,but you can use a shotgun on the licence holders land and with his or her permission,because ive done phesant shooting in the past,just thought id mention it buddy to save you all the hassles getting youre licence,not many people are aware of the above

Ashley Cawley
08-03-2011, 08:31 AM
ash i dont know if you know this m8 but you dont need a shotgun licence :),only if you want to hold one on youre premises youll need one,but you can use a shotgun on the licence holders land and with his or her permission,because ive done phesant shooting in the past,just thought id mention it buddy to save you all the hassles getting youre licence,not many people are aware of the above
I'm aware of that thanks bud ;) ... I already shoot alongside my friend with his licence, however I was recently given a beautiful shotgun as a birthday present and I've just installed a gun cabinet & sent off my licence 2 weeks ago.. got to bring my baby home :p

08-03-2011, 01:33 PM
cool nice birthday pressie :), youll sleep easier lol beware intruders :)