View Full Version : Tip for keeping your cooking gear clean

16-05-2015, 01:17 PM
Got sick of my crusader getting stained, so found a more efficient method :D


16-05-2015, 05:25 PM

I use these cos theyre lighter than a can and you can just pop them into your boiling water to heat them and still have a clean pan! you also have hot water for a brew!:D

17-05-2015, 01:17 PM
Do you have to remove the lid first, I'd have thought they would explode otherwise. Also don't you worry about them exploding in your pack?

17-05-2015, 04:14 PM

I use these cos theyre lighter than a can and you can just pop them into your boiling water to heat them and still have a clean pan! you also have hot water for a brew!:D

Even lighter if you dehydrate them before trip. ;)


Do you have to remove the lid first, I'd have thought they would explode otherwise. Also don't you worry about them exploding in your pack?

Why would they explode in your pack? They're beans not unstable TNT :D

17-05-2015, 06:30 PM
LOL They'll make your bum explode later in the latrine :p :rolleyes:

19-05-2015, 10:05 AM
I leave the lid on the plastic pack and I've just kept the water simmering and so far no burst packs. Not had any problems in my pack with breakage.. Yet Lol!

19-05-2015, 06:16 PM
I leave the lid on the plastic pack and I've just kept the water simmering and so far no burst packs. Not had any problems in my pack with breakage.. Yet Lol!

So no miraculously exploding beans then? :D

06-06-2015, 11:31 PM
Got sick of my crusader getting stained, so found a more efficient method :D


as long as you dont mind the chemicals and platic being released to your meal from iinterior coating of the tin youll be fine for some time :welcome:
there is reason why they dont rust from inside..

08-06-2015, 08:19 PM
I suspect the "danger" of significant amounts of chemicals being released from plastics is highly over rated. Even if it is not, I refuse to join the Fear Culture. I've been boiling in and cooking in plastics for four decades. Zero health issues. Sure, not a statistically valid study. Whatever. On to more important things.

08-06-2015, 08:19 PM
Speaking of things exploding in one's pack...

I've packed in frozen bread dough several times. Lots of options with it. Obviously make hot fresh bread on the trail by wet, dry or plank baking. I also deep fry it. The deep fried dough balls can be dredged in cinnamon and sugar as doughnuts for breakfast or dunked in a mixture of Italian seasonings, salt, crushed red pepper and olive oil or butter as a supper time hors d'oeuvre.

Well, we all know bread rises because of the yeast. Thus, if left in the pack too long, it will explode all over everything. Even worse, soaks into things and can be terribly difficult to get out. Packed in a plastic bread bag while solidly frozen, a Ziploc, wrapped in newspaper, then aluminum foil. Still got out. Learned my lesson about not sticking to the plan and putting off making it for a full day. Not such a good idea.

08-06-2015, 09:24 PM
I bought a black crusader mug. I don't have an issue with it being blacker than black on the bottom. :D

09-06-2015, 03:01 PM
Why not just make bannock bread?

09-06-2015, 09:29 PM
Why not just make bannock bread? I've been thinking about trying bannock mix for this ever since the yeast bread dough made a mess in my pack last week. I guess all I can say is I've been doing it this way (yeast bread) for almost four decades. But, most of those times were car camping. I'm back to doing more backpacking lately and the people I packed this in for no-showed, so my plans were thrown off. While I've been making bannock in the bush for most of a decade, I just naturally think of yeast bread for this. Bannock or dry cake mix is the obvious solution and I will have to try it. Cheers!