View Full Version : Brushed up my first aid skills

20-05-2015, 02:43 PM
Just completed the 6 hour basic first aid course with a local SAR group I have become a rookie member of.
It was quite an eye opener. I have not done any first aid training since I worked in Sri Lanka in 2006/2007. And I was very rusty.
That is the important stuff like heart and lung rescue (what do you call that?), free airways, how to dress a wound, stabilize broken bones etc was still there.
But the little tricks, like how to turn people over into a stable lay, was gone. + there was a few things I had learned that is now out-dated, or just done differently.

All in all I can really reccomend taking a refresher course in these things, and do it regurarily. And we have members on the forum who is qualified train you....for a pound or two...well, a little more than that I guess...lol

Anyway, next is a training excercise with the Red Cross Rescue services, nad then I hope for more advanced training as I progress trough the system. Will also get a few relevant classes at University like the one named "Humans in Extreme environments" that will start next semester :-)

Right now I am writing my exam paper in "Excercise planning and management" or whatever it translates to, so I should get back to that :-)

20-05-2015, 05:56 PM
That is the important stuff like heart and lung rescue (what do you call that?),

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) I could remember CPR and what the C and R stood for but had to check the P to be sure :ashamed:

20-05-2015, 06:58 PM
It's part of my job to arrange CPR training for NHS staff and my office is often a dumping ground for spare resus anne dolls, masks, defibrillators and other simulation stuff. I only know the basics though i.e. panic & call 999!

ian c
20-05-2015, 08:42 PM
I used to train team medics prior to deploying, I also had to do refresher course myself BARTS prior to deploying, I still have all my notes and read them, I do keep up to date as well.

21-05-2015, 01:23 AM
T^ Well done, Rune :).
I will be taking a basic 1st aid course sometime in the summer. And then hopefully I'll be able to squeeze in an advanced course to be certified for 1st aid.

21-05-2015, 12:44 PM
At my employer, we are provided a rudimentary course which is labelled "AET" or "Annual Expert Training." Somehow after a 6 hour course that covers first-aid, CPR, physical and cybersecurity, and road hazard awareness; we are considered first-aid and CPR "certified." I do appreciate the training, though, because I have very active children and a swimming pool in the back yard.

I thank God I've never had to use the training for anything more than treating a few open wounds and one shock victim with a dislocated elbow (oh, and the guy who had a grand mal seizure in the office...)

Good stuff, Rune. Like the quote from Cody Lundin in Jon's signature says, "Be prepared, not scared."


21-05-2015, 02:21 PM
Well done Rune, now practice, bandage the wife, that can lead to fun :jumping-joy:

21-05-2015, 06:07 PM
Having a think back, I used to do regular work (and DofE) related first aid training. I reckon the last time was 1993, maybe 92. You got me thinking, maybe I should find a course too.

22-05-2015, 06:23 AM
Have to keep up to date what with Scouts and DofE. Good thing too as it has been used a few times out of those situations the worst being quite a nasty accident involving a scooter and two lorries.

22-05-2015, 06:49 PM
Have to keep up to date what with Scouts and DofE. Good thing too as it has been used a few times out of those situations the worst being quite a nasty accident involving a scooter and two lorries.
To be able to use the knowledge and training when called to do so is admirable, this really should be a skill we all keep current. You never know when it could save a life. This has inspired me to take a refresher course and not be complacent with my very basic level of training. T^

23-05-2015, 08:49 PM
After being a volunteer first aider for 5 years with St John Ambulance, I have recently left my job to become a full time member, as an Emergency transport attendant, working frontline with the NHS... I wholeheartedly applaud anyone who wants to learn first aid, even if it is just basic lifesaving skills. And given our interest in the outdoors, with sharp tools and fire, heat, cold, in the event of a situation arising, it is good to see that many of us would at least know enough to kickstart the system of rescue and treatment... Rune, I salute you on becoming a member of a very important part of outdoor life, and I wish you every happiness in your time with the team. :)

26-05-2015, 11:14 AM
Well, well, looks like they are pulling me up to the next level. Just recieved a message to show up for basic SAR training on Thursday, bring map and compass, and they have given the meeting point as a grid reference, ha ha

I guess I better start getting used to having some kit ready :-)

26-05-2015, 11:40 AM

ian c
26-05-2015, 09:23 PM
Good on you fishy, its always good to climb the ladder and learn new skills.

29-05-2015, 09:24 AM
Completed a First Aid at Work course yesterday. Not that much has changed since I did a course 10-15 years ago. What did suprise me was how much knowledge I retained from the first course - a tribute really to the London Ambulance Service trainer.

29-05-2015, 10:10 AM

29-05-2015, 02:58 PM
Good deal man
Yeah this has been on my to do list now just need to scratch the cash together for the course. Really badly need to get a proper fak put together for myself especially the fact how often I'm using knives these days.

13-07-2015, 03:45 PM
Everyone should learn first aid and basic life support from an early age.I believe that it should be a compulsory subject taught in schools.Good first aid can often mean the difference between a casualty living and dying.

13-07-2015, 04:56 PM
I believe that it should be a compulsory subject taught in schools.

I couldn't agree more.