View Full Version : My August/September Adventure

08-08-2015, 05:32 PM
Some advice needed.
At the end of August (but more likely some time in September) I am treating myself to a week/10 day sojourn across the UK.
What I'd like to know is if there are any bushcraft/outdoor/craft fairs taking place (a two-dayer would be ideal) which offer camping space (but I'm sure I could find somewhere nearby if not, just be nice to be onsite)?
Or are there any environmental/conservation projects taking place that could use a hand for a couple of days?

Any of you know of such things taking place in your area? I don't care where (so long as it's UK) - an interesting event could be enough to help decide where I head. Oh yeah, if you know the dates or if they have a website that would be useful.


10-08-2015, 09:58 AM
Back from my wanderings in time to offer some info..:D


The above event is worth a visit if you are within easy distance. Details under the heading..'Wood Fair' on the web page.
Unfortunately I'll miss it this year as I'm away that weekend, but there's always something of interest to see there..