View Full Version : Bird ID Please!

01-09-2015, 12:17 PM
Out and about today and I managed to get a few pictures of a bird.
I thought it'd be easy enough to ID, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Habitat wise, it was coastal (not on the actual sea front) - an area of reeds, lakes, open heath with a few scattered shrubs and low trees (it was sitting in an Elder when I saw it, then moved on to a bramble bush).
I wondered if it might be a water pipit. Or maybe some kind of warbler (a pale icterine warbler would be a nice sighting!). But neither of these seem quite right.
The key markings seem to be the streaks on the throat, and also streaking on top of the head.
Here are the pictures I managed to get of it - would gratefully appreciate it if anyone can ID it for me...





Cheers all.

01-09-2015, 01:40 PM
Reed warbler?
Nice photos too by the way. :)

01-09-2015, 02:49 PM
Nah, not a reed warbler - they're browner and plainer.
Cheers anyway.

01-09-2015, 02:58 PM
sedge warbler?


01-09-2015, 03:23 PM
A guess.... Spotted Flycatcher? He'd be on the coast now ready to fly South about now, and I know the adults have dark streaks on the head and throat..

01-09-2015, 04:37 PM
Yes, that was another one I was thinking.
I just did a Google image search to compare and it does look very much like that.
I think that may be it.

01-09-2015, 08:00 PM
Lovely photos, and they tend to show something about the bird which makes sense. Unlike the Warblers etc: which often creep about almost hidden, the Flycatchers usually sit clear of cover so that they can snatch anything airborne. But I'm no expert, it's just something I was told.

12-09-2015, 05:27 PM
Yes - it is a spotted flycatcher :)

Ashley Cawley
23-09-2015, 07:02 PM
Beautiful photos - all of them