View Full Version : Funland says hello

23-11-2015, 05:27 AM
Hi there. Yes you over there, behind monitor... I like to say hello to you from snowy cold(ish) Finland.

I have hiking and camping around whole my life. Some times more and some times less, but it has been on my blood my whole life.
Boyscouts and on my own. Just around 2-3 years i started to do hammock camping and it is soo fun and different than tentcamping. Abput same time i started bushcraft (actually doing bushcraft, is something i have done years and years past, but just now i have name for that).

You have something to ask? pleas be free to ask anything and i'm going to aswer anything ;)

see you on the bush,, or here what ever


23-11-2015, 06:15 AM
Hello Jukka and welcome,


23-11-2015, 07:48 PM

ian c
23-11-2015, 08:02 PM
Hi Jukka and welcome.

23-11-2015, 11:33 PM
Hi Jukka and welcome to the forum, Hopefully the learning will be both ways

24-11-2015, 03:44 AM
Hi Jukka and welcome to the forum, Hopefully the learning will be both ways

That is something i wish too... First leason we do not have polarbear's roaming on our streets :D

08-12-2015, 02:34 PM
Byva Huva Poika, and pardon my broken Finnish. :) My half aunt was from Finland and got me started down the nature path and taught me to love all of the great outdoors. She seemed to know every plant and it's uses that I ever asked her about while roaming their 3 acre little bit of paradise on the shore of a small lake in the Sudbury, Ontario area. She talked much of how she grew up in Finland and came to Canada as a young girl in the 30's.

I too am new here Jukka and hope to share some of my little "times in the woods" with folks who are keen on such subjects. Hope to see you on here lots, time permitting of course. :)
See ya on the forum dude!


09-12-2015, 09:43 AM
hey! welcome to the forum.. look forward to chatting in the future..


09-12-2015, 01:53 PM
Hello Jukka, welcome to the forum..:)

24-12-2015, 05:11 PM
:welcome: Tervetuloa from Connecticut, USA :campfire: