View Full Version : porcupine

13-04-2016, 03:20 PM
First porcupine sighting of 2016:happy-clapping:

14-04-2016, 07:25 AM
Here's some dope you may or may not know:
The one you photographed looks positively furry compared to African Porcupines!

14-04-2016, 09:07 AM
Thanks for the link it was most interesting to read.
Porcupine is one of the original survival food here, as the animal is so slow on the ground you can just walk up and hit it with a stick.
Some neighbours hate them because of the damage they do to trees and get rid of them but most leave them alone in case someone needs survival food.
Rear view you can see there are more spines on the rear of the animal, the blonde parts are the hardened tips of mature spines.
When dogs attack a porcupine they end up with hundreds of quills in their face and the quills work inwards and fester.

15-04-2016, 04:45 PM
Very true about the quills in dogs. I've all too much experience with that I'm afraid. Second quickest way I've found to get a porky out of a tree (second to shooting) is to start a smoky fire nearby. Cheers!

15-04-2016, 05:18 PM
LOL i'll be content with as long as they stay out of my orchard, i think the 8' deer fence helps...fingers crossed.