View Full Version : Wild camping in Ashdown forest...

04-06-2016, 11:07 AM
Hi guys,
I am aware of the legality, and will get around to the permission bit ASAP, but does anyone have any experience camping here?
Cheers. ..

04-06-2016, 02:51 PM
This might be of interest.. http://www.ashdownforest.org/enjoy/walking/MappedWalks.php
Details from the Visitors FAQ section: Can I camp on the Forest? Sorry, no. The By-laws prohibit camping due to the problems of fire and litter. Visit the Ashdown Forest Tourism Association for a very full list of camp sites that are close to the Forest.
Ps. :welcome: to the forum.

04-06-2016, 05:02 PM
No experience of camping on the forest, but quite a bit of experience in relation to exercises in the area. One thing we would do in planning was to draw a 3 mile circle around the villages and towns and (importantly) the roadside parking areas like Kitts Hill etc: From Balcombe in the West over towards Wadhurst in the East, North to the Kent border and South to Maresfield we applied the same restriction.Within those circles, especially in the summer the chances of meeting one or more dog walkers was 75% + even during weekdays. Bridlepaths are heavily used too and the result is that you will be surprised at how this cuts down the area where you are less likely to meet someone in green wellies with a Labrador or two in tow or a young lady on a big Hunter wondering why you are trying to look like a Gorse bush..;) The fire risk is a major consideration because of the Bracken growth and the exposed, thus frequently windy nature of the area. The use of blank ammunition had to be carefully controlled because of the fire risk in summer obviously.
It is certainly possible to find isolation on the forest but if you don't already know, all the locals with Commoners Rights are a very alert bunch, as are the Forest Rangers.
This post offered purely for information....:D

05-06-2016, 02:03 AM
Hello Grant! Welcome to the forum.

05-06-2016, 10:33 PM
Don't fret Grant. Arrive late, leave early, sleep away from tracks, you'll be absolutely fine! I have slept all over the place, and I have never had a problem. Obviously don't burn the place down, so maybe a small gas cooker is the answer on that night.

Enjoy yourself!

16-06-2016, 08:22 PM
You'd be very surprised how hidden you can be if you're at least 150 yards from all footpaths. Get a couple of miles away from the main roads, bus stops, public transport, villages, etc and you'll be fine. Use google maps and OS maps to find a spot off the paths. Scout it out during the day beforehand if you can. If there's a major fire risk, don't light a fire, just use a gas stove to heat food and be careful. I always have a Camelbak of water to hand just in case. Not so much cover of darkness at the moment, so you'd be looking to set up at 2030 onward. Most dog walkers aren't so brave when the light starts fading. Pack up early and take all your rubbish out with you, no problem! That stuff is all simple enough, the difficulty I often have is finding a safe spot to leave my car.