View Full Version : Vernal Equinox

21-03-2011, 11:37 AM
Well guys and gals. It's that time of year when the day and night are the same length, meaning that summer is on its way. That got me thinking that it's only six months until the nights start getting longer than the days again and, as I get older, those six months seem to pass quicker and quicker.

So, what have you all got planned for the longer, warmer (hopefully) spring, summer and early autumn days? I'm determined not to let this year pass by with another load of unfulfilled wishes. This is the year for doing not wishing. :)


21-03-2011, 12:56 PM
The same... plan to make the most of it... I want to behold the least visited natural areas of this country and I will camp at Assynt this summer as I planned to the last 2 summers.

21-03-2011, 01:01 PM
I couldn't agree more about getting out there more, especially after being incapacitated for almost a year.

This year, I shall mostly be doing:

A Woodlore course (hopefully, followed straight away with a mad dash to the Cornwall RV).
A trip with a close friend to Spain's mountains
A visit to my stepfather followed by a one week expedition into the Ugandan bush
A visit to my sister followed by a one-week expedition into either Zambia or Mozambique (still planning logistics on that one with my sister)
A week in Norway if I can fit it in too.

...There'll also be the odd weekend bit of camping too, I'm sure. :)

Ben Casey
21-03-2011, 01:09 PM
Hi Sounds really cool your plans I'm hoping to get out to Gambia later on as I have a mate out there :) My main plans are the Cornwall RV so hope to see you there the Roadtrip and The Lakes for the Lakeland show. But I'm hoping to fit some more in.
Apart from that hopefully eating some Strawberries I have planted :)