View Full Version : Fitting a Woodburner

30-10-2016, 06:50 AM
Fitting a Woodburner into a Caravan - can't be very different for a Motorhome - http://www.woodlands.co.uk/tv/2016/08/how-to-fit-a-woodburner-in-your-caravan/

30-10-2016, 03:08 PM
A young radio ham in my town I got to know when he was training for his test had a good sized motor home with woodburner. The van was an ex UPS delivery vehicle and well converted but the wood burner was a nightmare, for safety you need to keep some distance and no matter how careful you are, in the 'small' space of a motor home you will get a build up of grime on everything.

Burning propane gives off condensation but I'd rather deal with that than the muck all wood/multifuel burners will give off. I can fully understand the romantic notion of sitting in your motor home listening to the gentle crackle of burning wood but...as I age the realist in me comes to the front :(

He's sold the motorhome and got a flat.

30-10-2016, 03:46 PM
In scandinavia people park their caravans for the winter and use propane for heating. Caravans here are normaly insulated quite well, so condensation is not a problem.

30-10-2016, 04:42 PM
We have blwon air for heating running on Propane in our Motorhome; does the water for the shower as well