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Thread: what i get up to on a windy night

  1. #1
    Native headshot's Avatar
    Join Date
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    isle of man

    what i get up to on a windy night

    love getting the dog out for a few bunnies at night,no noise or fuss,just me and the dog as nature intended.
    just a couple of pics of this years jaunts,any hares i popped off with the rifle,it is now illegal to run them with a dog and she is far to small for them,to be fair she struggles to retreive any i shoot

    thanks for looking...atb kev

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Awesome! I wish I at least had the time for that! You must have a big freezer, or a big family!!
    failing to prepare = preparing to fail

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  3. #3
    Native headshot's Avatar
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    isle of man
    lol a big freezer and a big mincer,some go for food,the rest get minced for the dogs.
    most of the time i would be happy with a fraction of what we catch but the farmers soon moan if we dont take so many,a couple of years ago we had a plague of rabbits,some fields had6-700 rabbits in them at night but they can only go on like that for so long and then nature takes over and they crash.
    what i'm catching in these pics is only an hour out and then back home,we are lucky though as its all on our doorstep with little or no traveling...and the wifes usually asleep when i get in ...atb kev

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    You look like a fellow ferreter too

  5. #5
    Native headshot's Avatar
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    isle of man
    hi sapper,dont do much ferreting to be honest,that hob in the hutch is now at my mates for breeding purposes as he is half micro ferret which my mates hoping to breed.
    during the daytime i would much rather just mooch about and bush with the dogs,i take it you do a bit yourself....atb kev

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Aye.....I have 3 hobs and a jill....shoot mainly though

  7. #7
    One with Nature JonnyP's Avatar
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    Talland Bay.. An pleg-mor Kernewek hag a wra kovyow
    I would love a lurcher.. Do you just send her out into a field on a windy night..? Can they see ok in the dark..?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    nice looking dogs, I used to do a lot of ferreting a few years back, but then got lazy and got into rifles and lamping, far easier on the legs to sit in the 4x4

  9. #9
    Native headshot's Avatar
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    isle of man
    lol at ratcatcher....johny p,its a bit of an art really,its got to be a moonless night really and blowing a gale,the rabbits dont get spooked the same in these conditions and sit tight in the field.
    we will walk up the edge with the wind in our face,i dim the lamp down as it doesent spook em the same as a brilliant white light,when i spot a rabbit crouched i send the dog out,often she will catch it in the seat before it runs,this is good when you want numbers as the dog isent wasting energy,she will pick it up and bring it back to me to dispatch.
    when they do run 9 times out of 10 the dog catches them when they turn,for this reason i pick fields with nice tight hedges and/or sheep mesh with grass growing in the first mesh,the rabbits just bounce of it.
    these are all perfect conditions,it doesent allways work out that way but then thats the nature of the game...thanks for the intrest...atb kev

  10. #10
    Native treefrog's Avatar
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    ontario canada
    That sounds like a lot of fun...I'd be trying a ten gauge with buckshot just to see from how far away I could roll one....

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