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Thread: British 100/120ltr bergen help request

  1. #21
    Tramp Bushtickler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Savage View Post
    Really? I find the Bergen one of the most comfortable packs to wear. My Karrimor's are no where near as comfy. The Bergen sits nice and high, whereas a lot of backs can sit too low. Maybe it's because I have the long back version, maybe the secret is in the packing of it, but to say they aren't designed for comfort isn't entirely true. They designed them to be carried for long distances, with a lot of weight inside them.

    So are suitcases but you wouldn't want to go up a mountain with one
    I'll fetch a bag of bricks to the next meet and we'll draw straws for testers. After 2 laps round the tree you'll change your mind. Must be a few versions cos the two PLCE bergens I've used are solid no doubt but I'd be lying if I said they were comfy. I feel like I've had new shoulders, hips and spine since swapping. Just my opinion
    The true measure of a man is how he treats one who can give him nothing

  2. #22
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    I don't mind the PLCE is after all only a Berghaus Vulcan....mind you when the old choices were the GS Bergan or the 58 large pack......

  3. #23
    Moderator Adam Savage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bushtickler View Post
    So are suitcases but you wouldn't want to go up a mountain with one
    I'll fetch a bag of bricks to the next meet and we'll draw straws for testers. After 2 laps round the tree you'll change your mind. Must be a few versions cos the two PLCE bergens I've used are solid no doubt but I'd be lying if I said they were comfy. I feel like I've had new shoulders, hips and spine since swapping. Just my opinion
    There are a couple of versions, not sure exactly what they all were though. Maybe I got lucky lol

    Opinions are good things mate. It would be a boring world if we were all the same

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapper View Post
    I don't mind the PLCE is after all only a Berghaus Vulcan....mind you when the old choices were the GS Bergan or the 58 large pack......
    The GS wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world, especially with the tubular frame attached. Can't say as I've ever tested the 58 properly though.
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  4. #24
    Samuel Hearne
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    I got a GS bergan as soon as I was able to so I did not have to use the larry large pack, I did take the frame off it and pad the shoulder straps though.

  5. #25
    One with Nature
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    "Always remember, no matter where you go there you are."
    I've still got my Forces Berghaus O.G 'Cyclops' 72Litre from the 1980's had 2 gave the spare away to a friend a few years ago, still in great condition. Just picked up adding to my ever growing MTP (Multi Terrain Pattern) kit a set of PLCE Karrimor side pockets I can use the straps from my other DPM PLCE pouches with these as a day sack. As Sapper commented, "when the old choices were the GS Bergan or the 58 large pack......" most of our Troop ditched these for personal kit Bergen's.

  6. #26
    Tramp Bushtickler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadZ View Post
    Hey hey

    I am looking at bergens at the moment and have decided to go for a larger size one

    the first i looked at was a 75ltr cadet bergen this one in the link, looks great and ideal for what i want it for.

    the other was the 100/120ltr bergen like this one, with a yolk system for making the side pockets into a day sack, very ideal for what i want, as the main compartment is shrinkable with zips and straps.

    the only thing i am not to sure about is that, i have found there is a few variants, the one in the link, a long back and short back version also, what i am unsure of is what the difference is between the long and short back, what advantages do they have etc, i only have one surplus store near me and the guy is a bit of a rip of merchant, he was asking for an A grade bergen 100 ltr £150 and i pretty sure its a sub grade A bergen.

    so if any of you serving or ex british forces service men/women or anyone in the know could shed some light for me that would be greatly appreciated



    PS: Mods, if this post is in the wrong place feel free to move it, apologies if it is
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    Like I say PLCE - hard as nails, won't let you down.
    100% certain there are much comfier solutions though. I have a good few close friends currently serving in the forces (15yrs +) and not one loves the 'comfort' side of em really (nowadays - after upgrading).

    Don't know if you're attending the Northern Soul meet next weekend or not but if you are or are anywhere abouts you are more than welcome to lend a couple of packs incl the PLCE 120l bergen (and hippo pad/webbing/day yoke etc) and one similar to the sabre sf for a month or two so you can judge for yourself before shelling out. (Let me know if you do).

    Comparing the two it's like comparing a Tank to a Range Rover. Sure the tank will carry the load and get you there but the Range Rover will get you there in comfort and quicker if kept right.

    I like long walks before wildcamping so distance may be the deciding factor.
    The true measure of a man is how he treats one who can give him nothing

  7. #27
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    Hmmmm just realised the OP is 6 months ago.....NECROMANCER ! Not the oldest thread ever to be revived but still

  8. #28
    Tramp Bushtickler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapper View Post
    Hmmmm just realised the OP is 6 months ago.....NECROMANCER ! Not the oldest thread ever to be revived but still

    "Silly billy....the chest straps are adjusted here, here and here...."
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    The true measure of a man is how he treats one who can give him nothing

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