Hey hey
I am looking at bergens at the moment and have decided to go for a larger size one
the first i looked at was a 75ltr cadet bergen
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BRITISH-AR...item43ad3293ea this one in the link, looks great and ideal for what i want it for.
the other was the 100/120ltr bergen like this one
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/British-Mi...item232ec99274, with a yolk system for making the side pockets into a day sack, very ideal for what i want, as the main compartment is shrinkable with zips and straps.
the only thing i am not to sure about is that, i have found there is a few variants, the one in the link, a long back and short back version also, what i am unsure of is what the difference is between the long and short back, what advantages do they have etc, i only have one surplus store near me and the guy is a bit of a rip of merchant, he was asking for an A grade bergen 100 ltr £150 and i pretty sure its a sub grade A bergen.
so if any of you serving or ex british forces service men/women or anyone in the know could shed some light for me that would be greatly appreciated
PS: Mods, if this post is in the wrong place feel free to move it, apologies if it is