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Thread: Love for fire making rekindled ;)

  1. #1

    Love for fire making rekindled ;)

    Finally bit the bullet last week and ordered a flint and steel set. I had been putting it for ages due to not wanting to pay actual money for rocks. However, as it turns out, I should have got some ages ago.

    To be honest, it was some what easier than I expected. I have been using both char cloth and Amadou (sp?) to catch the spark and jute to spread it into some birch bark.

    While I was waiting for it to arrive, I've been watching some YT videos (thanks Ashley) for some technique pointers and I was very surprised at just how many sparks (some of which are quite bright) I can throw out. Cameras obviously can't pick them up in good lighting.

    Also, blowing an ember into flame is very satisfying/addictive.


  2. #2
    Natural Born Bushcrafter saxonaxe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Sussex coast
    I think that feeling about fire making is probably in everyone still, but sadly for many it's deeply buried under the 21st Century add-ons...

  3. #3
    Natural Born Bushcrafter luresalive's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I still find it more satisfying and rewarding than fire by friction.. A great technique to use and easy for most people to master

  4. #4
    Ent FishyFolk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Harstad, Norway
    I love it. An dthe rocks for it can be found everywhere. If you do not have flint in your area, you can use quartz. Quartz is the most common mineral in the world.
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