I've done some telly in recent years on one production they dubbed a dog barking onto the soundtrack post filming which isn't actually what the dog did, or what is trained for that role.....they did it simply because they thought it would sit better with the target audience
The ember bundle was made of coconut fibre, the coconuts could be seen on the beach over the shoulders of the guys doing the firebow, as well as a drift net floating in the water while they were swimming.. Bad editing or another bear grylls make believe fantasy???
Watched it, loved it, can't wait for next week. A great hour's entertainment compared with a lot of the rubbish on TV these days.
Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
Bear is 110% showman so what would you expect to see other than dodgy editing and only 2 guys sweating away with a fire bow when they should obviously take it in turns in a climate like that.
I will watch it again just to try and spot the zombies or one of the crew with a can of his favourite.
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.(Benjamin Franklin)
Did anyone watch the Snooker?
Last edited by Rasputin; 06-05-2014 at 11:35 AM.
Ne te confundant illigitimi It is always a pleasure to see what you can make !, instead of buying it ready made. R Proenneke.