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Thread: Camoflauged Lavvu Photography Hide/Shelter...

  1. #1

    Camoflauged Lavvu Photography Hide/Shelter...

    I've been thinking about putting a portable photo hide together and I've noticed the Lavvu mentioned on various threads. So I wondered if anyone has ever used a Lavvu as a hide. I've got a sewing machine and so I'm prepared to get crafty machining a scaled down Lavvu hide that would be suspended from above with a cord (obviously in woodland). Also if anyone has got any tips on the geometry of construction I'd be grateful of the information....Cheers.

  2. #2
    Tribal Elder Humakt's Avatar
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    I've got a lavvu, but never thought of using it as a hide.
    To be honest, it's a bulky and heavy item, and not sure I oculd be bothered to lug it too far.
    When I've needed a hide for photography in the past I've used some of that camouflage netting. It's a lot lighter, smaller, and easier to quickly set up and take down. It also gives you a better field of view, and places to stick your lens through, between the netting/leaves thingies.
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  3. #3
    Trapper Whistle's Avatar
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    Hi Dreward

    I wouldn't worry too much about making a "lavuu" ... that sound like a lot of work !!!

    I have had some success using a simple tarp rigged as a half pyramid with a camo net

    draped in similar fashion over the front making a full pyramid shape ...

    The sloping sides allow full use of a tripod with the lens poked through the camo net ...

    The net gives a good view out and also gives plenty of ventilation

    so you don't feel so isolated and claustrophobic as you would sealed up in a lavuu !!!

    you could see how it works for you quite cheaply using a cheap poly tarp

    and some garden netting ...

    What are you hoping to film / photograph ???

    Cheers Whistle
    Life's a beach .... and then the tide comes in ....

  4. #4
    The subject would be woodland wildlife or wildlife spotted from the edge of a for bulky weight I was intending to use some lightweight coated nylon combined with camo netting. For field of view I was also thinking of putting several windows in, this would then give a shelter that not only hides, but, gives an element of protection of you and equipment from the wind and rain.....Thanks for the pyramid tarp idea, Whistle.

  5. #5
    I suppose the next question is....What Height and Width should it be...?

  6. #6
    Tribal Elder midas's Avatar
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    Have you concidered the Pop-up hides used by duck n pigeon shooters,some even have a built in folding armchair!

    Last edited by midas; 27-09-2014 at 06:25 PM. Reason: mere info!
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  7. #7
    I was thinking more along the lines of....Fit in a Backpack along with your Bushcraft and Photography Equipment....Pop-Up Shelters with Chairs take Up a Lot of Room...

  8. #8
    Trapper Whistle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreward View Post
    I suppose the next question is....What Height and Width should it be...?

    Guess that depends on how big your tarp is, how much room you need

    and what pack size and weight you are prepared to carry ?

    I have two standard woodland DPM Webtex bashas ...

    using one gives a half pyramid big enough to sit up comfortably ,

    albeit on the ground , height equivalent to one walking pole say ... 44 - 48 cm

    enough room to have a camera backpack undercover and have a brew ...

    but not to stretch out ...

    Using the two popped together gives a half pyramid with little more floor area

    but as much height as you need to have a folding stool to sit on

    and "almost" stand up under the apex ...

    The height is acheived by using two walking poles ...

    extend the two lower sections and remove from the handle tubes ...

    join end to end by using a spare " cut off " handle tube ...

    Or I use an extended camera monopod ...

    The extra height gives steeper slope to the walls so actually makes

    the floor area more usable with almost enough room to stretch out !!!

    The only problem with all this extra room and height is that

    you have to stretch out the camo net more so the " holes " gape wider ...

    I haven't noticed it being any less effective though ...

    Cheers Whistle
    Last edited by Whistle; 27-09-2014 at 10:35 PM.
    Life's a beach .... and then the tide comes in ....

  9. #9
    Getting, perhaps a little too technical...two 3 x 3m tarps could create a Pyramid in the region of 3 x3m Base and 3.67m High.....Looking at the diagonal of the tarp going from the corner of the Pyramid to the Apex.....Check this Pyramid calculator.....

    Input Base Edge = 3......and Slant Edge = 4.24....then click Calculate....

    I got 4.24 from calculating the length of the diagonal on a 3 x 3 tarp (Sin x = O/H)

    Have Fun....Bushcrafters get there somehow....Cheers.

  10. #10
    Trapper Whistle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreward View Post
    Getting, perhaps a little too technical...two 3 x 3m tarps could create a Pyramid in the region of 3 x3m Base and 3.67m High..... Have fun....Bushcrafters get there somehow....Cheers.
    Two 3X3 metre Tarps hey ?!?! .... Sounds like your gonna get there in a 4X4 !!! Ha ha ha !!!

    Like I said earlier ... depends on pack size and weight you are prepared to carry and how much

    room you need/want ... two 3 metre tarps sounds like your setting up a hotel !!! Ha ha ha !!!

    Cheers Whistle
    Life's a beach .... and then the tide comes in ....

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