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Thread: Full Tang Bushcraft Knife VS Traditional Puukko

  1. #41
    If you carry an axe, you really dont need a full exposed tang knife.
    A full exposed tang knife, is a better survival tool, no doubt. However a stick tang, will better balanced feel lighter, faster in the hand and more responsive. You probably wouldnt notice at first, but after prolonged use when muscle fatigue sets in you would.
    You can get hidden tang, partial tang, mortise, tang, rat-tail/stick tang, some are full tang, as in one long peice of steel from tip to tip. Whether its exposed or not its still a full tang.
    A full exposed tang, has metal exposed all the way round this can make your hands cold fast.
    My personal favourite would be a mortise tang, like the old Ka-bar. Its a 3/4 length hidden handle, very similar to the f1, or the more robust Mora knives.
    My favourite handle would be, a full hidden tang, in stacked leather with Stag pommel. Like the Marbles ideal or old Randalls.
    He who says "he can" and he who says "he can't", are both usually right.

  2. #42
    on a basic level,we are spoiled by choice,and generations past would greatly appreciate either

  3. #43
    Wanderer Wolfman Zack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by si View Post
    on a basic level,we are spoiled by choice,and generations past would greatly appreciate either
    Very true.
    We have more knives available to us today than anyone could have dreamed of 50 years ago.

  4. #44
    Also there is steel,lauri for example have perfected 80crv2 steel while other makers use more than one steel and master none.
    Everything breaks,if you are going to walk into the wild relying on just one knife I would highly suggest learning to make stone age tools and flint knapping
    Last edited by si; 13-03-2015 at 04:57 PM.

  5. #45
    Wanderer Wolfman Zack's Avatar
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    My Iisakki Järvenpää Aito arrived today.

    Beautiful knife, but not so polished that I wouldn't want to put it to use, this knife is still a working tool through and through.
    I like the Aito better than I liked my Enzo, it is better balanced and more comfortable to hold with its barrel shaped handle.
    The shorter blade feels more nimble, without giving up much proformance.
    So for me, the puukko vs full tang bushcrafter question is answered, I prefer a traditional puukko for my needs.

  6. #46
    That looks tidy mr wolf

  7. #47
    Ranger OakAshandThorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfman Zack View Post
    My Iisakki Järvenpää Aito arrived today.

    Beautiful knife, but not so polished that I wouldn't want to put it to use, this knife is still a working tool through and through.
    I like the Aito better than I liked my Enzo, it is better balanced and more comfortable to hold with its barrel shaped handle.
    The shorter blade feels more nimble, without giving up much proformance.
    So for me, the puukko vs full tang bushcrafter question is answered, I prefer a traditional puukko for my needs.
    Now that's an awesome blade
    My blog, New England Bushcraft

    "Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."
    ~ Abraham Lincoln

    "Be prepared, not scared."
    ~ Cody Lundin

  8. #48
    Wanderer Wolfman Zack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OakAshandThorn View Post
    Now that's an awesome blade
    Thanks mate.

  9. #49
    I'm glad you found the answer you was looking for,do they use lauri 80crv2 on that knife or is it different?

  10. #50
    Wanderer Wolfman Zack's Avatar
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    Yep, Lauri blade.
    They use good steel, and the HT is spot on IMO.

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