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Thread: Wiltshire Pebble

  1. #1
    One with Nature
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    "Always remember, no matter where you go there you are."

    Wiltshire Pebble

    hello Woody,
    I've posted similar details on the BCUSA forum regarding a brief history of Wiltshire flint/chert. The Wiltshire pebble you sent me I've yet to receive a positive I.D on this. I was thinking of grinding off an edge testing this with a fire steel to see if it'll shew sparks? a small similar nodule I have works with the steel striker. Examining such closely you can see what looks like small flint/chert nodules & viens of iron which are described in brief history of the Wiltshire flint/chert. Rather than using this pebble to create shew sparks in conjunction with the steel striker, I have a better suggestion. I'm thinking of drilling a hole centre & either leaving as such or implanting a race bearing creating a small pebble bearing block for my fire bow drill & hearth board FSK. This small pebble fits inside both my FSK tin & pouch.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Wiltshire Agate.jpg 
Views:	1041 
Size:	96.7 KB 
ID:	13808
    Last edited by David_JAFO; 04-11-2016 at 02:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Natural Born Bushcrafter Woody's Avatar
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    Mar 2016
    Between Savernake forest and Avebury stone circle
    Hi David, it does shew sparks.
    I have another pebble exactly the same, picked on the same location and day , and I cracked it in two so I could try it.
    It's mainly dark grey and wavey caramel colour layers.
    I'll post some pics later, it looks much like the other pebbles I sent you, including the one with orange rays and rusty spots.
    I found that some of these, have a glass like structure inside, much like flint, but others have more of a iron stone look and feel to them. Including layers.

    It seems to me , it's all the same rock type, ( flint) but as it's sedimentary, the organic compounds change colours and look accordingly.
    Iron is also common within these , as it's part of the soil composition in this area...

    What are they ? Dunno?! 😮
    Agate , iron stone , flint pebbles?

    Interesting stuff though...
    Last edited by Woody; 04-11-2016 at 05:23 PM.

  3. #3
    One with Nature
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    Mar 2012
    "Always remember, no matter where you go there you are."
    hello woody,
    You've answered your own question. They're both flint & chert qualities & the others are iron pebbles marcasite. Keep hold of these especially the marcasite good for trade on the forums with the "stone kickers". Definitely of some interest especially originating from Wiltshire.

  4. #4
    Natural Born Bushcrafter Woody's Avatar
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    Between Savernake forest and Avebury stone circle
    Aye up, just a quick update on the previous post.
    Sorry but I can't edit the pics into the post above so here they are...

    Here is a slightly different one...
    Lighter in colour and found... ahem ...I mean rescued , from a driveway nearby.

    Both shew sparks and flake like flint...
    Best regards

    Last edited by Woody; 08-11-2016 at 02:36 AM.

  5. #5
    One with Nature
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    Mar 2012
    "Always remember, no matter where you go there you are."
    hello Woody,
    Awesome find keep the location of these for next agate harvest. I added the image to Photoshop in an attempt to bring out the quality of the inner core colours. I think I'll try a slice off the edge of the pebble I have or work it smooth with a sharp edge to expose the inner & use it in my FSK with steel striker, could still double up as a pebble bearing block for my fire bow drill set. Oh Aye.. rescuing these pebbles from driveways & stopping small dogs from choking on them etc..

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ea4598cc187d42003eb9f257eb80907a.jpg 
Views:	974 
Size:	73.1 KB 
ID:	13809

  6. #6
    Natural Born Bushcrafter Woody's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Between Savernake forest and Avebury stone circle
    Good job on the colours there boss...
    It looks better.
    Best regards

  7. #7
    One with Nature
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    "Always remember, no matter where you go there you are."
    hello Woody,
    Nothing wrong with your original image(s) I just wanted to enhance the colours a little. I'm going to try bevel the edge of my pebble without taking too much off & then use this with the steel striker. chuck em in the bucket if you find more.

    Quote Originally Posted by Woody View Post
    Good job on the colours there boss...
    It looks better.
    Best regards

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