hello Woody,
I've posted similar details on the BCUSA forum regarding a brief history of Wiltshire flint/chert. The Wiltshire pebble you sent me I've yet to receive a positive I.D on this. I was thinking of grinding off an edge testing this with a fire steel to see if it'll shew sparks? a small similar nodule I have works with the steel striker. Examining such closely you can see what looks like small flint/chert nodules & viens of iron which are described in brief history of the Wiltshire flint/chert. Rather than using this pebble to create shew sparks in conjunction with the steel striker, I have a better suggestion. I'm thinking of drilling a hole centre & either leaving as such or implanting a race bearing creating a small pebble bearing block for my fire bow drill & hearth board FSK. This small pebble fits inside both my FSK tin & pouch.