Hello everyone
I've just landed on this site so I'm very new. Would be great to have some communication with people that have experience and knowledge of Dartmoor as well as navigational skills, OS reading etc.
Happy travels.
Hello everyone
I've just landed on this site so I'm very new. Would be great to have some communication with people that have experience and knowledge of Dartmoor as well as navigational skills, OS reading etc.
Happy travels.
Hi there DT.
There are a few members here that have lots of experience in the areas you mentioned .
Dartmoor is a great place to hone your navigation and bush skills.
I'm sure you will get some questions and answers very soon.
Welcome aboard!
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Hey Woody, Many thanks for the welcome and reply.
Happy days.
Hi thanks Bopdude
Well I'm off on another wild camp on Dartmoor this week for four nights. Have packed, and repacked two or three times to make sure I have everything in order, just a few more food items to go in the pack before I sling it in the boot of the car ready to leave out Friday morning..
Could do with some advice on replacing some of my kit, like boots as mine are quite heavy on the feet (Meindl Bhutan) waterproof jacket that packs down to nothing, my current is Berghaus Stormcloud packs OK but could be better. any ideas would be welcomed.
Thank. DT
If there are no women around and a man says something, is he still wrong?
Hey Thumbcrusher, Many thanks
Welcome to the community.
Nice to hear you are off to Dartmoor, I hope you have a lot better weather than last weekend - I was meant to be off to Dartmoor myself last weekend but we knocked it on the head last minute due to the severe weather that was forecast (weather warning was issued) glad we did because it was quite some front!
Hope you enjoy the trip, don't forget to share a photo or too when your back.
Hi Ashley thanks for the welcome.
Yes last week was a bit stormy, I don't mind bad weather but I think last weeks storm may have been a bit much. just making a few final adjustments to the pack, I'm sure ill check it again tomorrow again.
I have posted a few pics here today and I will defo post some new ones of this trip.
Many thanks