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Thread: Adventurer found dead in Scottish wilderness

  1. #41
    NaturalBushcraft Founder Ashley Cawley's Avatar
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    Nov 2010
    Cornwall, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by crazysaint222 View Post
    Although it is most likely that he was "inspired" by Mr. Grylls, I wouldn't like to say for sure, as there is a massive lack of evidence (as to his exact motivations), so as much as I dislike the teddy bear, I wouldn't say it was fair to imply blame on the guy.
    Quote Originally Posted by JEEP View Post
    I very much agree.
    You know what.. your both absolutely right, I had mixed feelings when I posted this one originally and you've made me think on it a bit more. My main issue with Bear is imho he takes unnecessary risks and gives out potentially bad/dangerous advice sometimes under the name of survival - that I find frustrating but there isn't enough information in this case to suggest Bear Grylls is in anyway linked to this poor chaps death - obviously even if he did inspire him that doesn't make Bear responsible.

    I posted the news-headline as the thread title, but now I regret it because the media like to sensationalise their headlines (for money), I'll leave the link up but change the title.
    Ashley Cawley

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  2. #42
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashley Cawley View Post
    I posted the news-headline as the thread title, but now I regret it because the media like to sensationalise their headlines (for money), I'll leave the link up but change the title.
    Sensible Idea. In dealing with the press over recent years I have found that they will write what the need to write to sell papers - period.

    Which seems like the best headline "walker injured in remote plunge" or " walker slid 30ft and broke an ankle" ?

    The defence rests

  3. #43
    Tribal Elder Metal mug's Avatar
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    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Sapper4083 View Post

    Which seems like the best headline "walker injured in remote plunge" or " walker slid 30ft and broke an ankle" ?

    The defence rests
    Or even... "Was injured walker felled by flying saucer?"
    Do you want to be happy or do you want to be normal?

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by AdrianRose View Post

    I think Saxon, also made a very good point about the "instructor provided rabbit", whilst rabbit are very easy to catch and are certainly plentiful, they are by definition a dreadful food source. Google "rabbit starvation" and see why.

    I had a little read of the Rabbit Starvation Article on Wikipedia ! Interesting stuff - It is easy to see how a little knowledge can give one a false sense of security in situations like this. The same i think would be true of the mobile phone in this instance. There does seem to be a limit to the amount of opportunities people (especially young people) can have to learn some basic skills to rely on themselves rather than this or that bit of kit to get them out of trouble.
    Last edited by ChrisP; 22-03-2012 at 01:12 PM. Reason: spelling

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