BushcraftUK Bushmoots
A great place to meet fellow Bushcrafters & learn new skillsBushmoots are get together events run by the BushcraftUK Community. Summer Bushmoots typically go on for nearly a week and are at a stunning location in Merthyr Mawr, South-Wales, UK. The events are essentially free; you only need to pay a small amount of rent to cover the hiring of the beautiful forest venue. You can come along for just a day or two or stay the whole week!
Many people attend and professional survival instructors and expert-outdoorsmen give their time freely to provide superb classes which are free for you to attend. You can learn everything from how to put up your tarp a dozen different ways, knots, bow making, fire craft, tracking, flint-knapping, all sorts!
More about the beautiful venue; The estate has an incredibly varied mixture of terrain with:
300 acres of forest including broad leaf coppice and ancient woodland
5 square kilometres of sand dunes (the second largest and highest in
4.5 kilometres of coastline (with the second largest tidal change in the world)
6 kilometres of river
An estuary
3 natural springs
2 castles
Numerous streams and ponds
The outstanding diversity of flora and fauna on this site has earned it no less than five designations.
SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest
- NNR National Nature Reserve
- SPC Special Area of Conservation
- SAM scheduled ancient monument
- Heritage Coast
You can find more information about the Bushmoots here. In my opinion BushcraftUK is the number one Bushcraft Community, offering a wealth of knowledge, kindness & generosity BushcraftUK currently consists of around 8,000 members. You can search the forums finding answers to your every question, its like a immense database; a wealth of knowledge and friendly folk are always willing to answer new questions or give advice. Its a warm and welcoming environment both online at the Virtual-Campfire and at the Bushmoots. Within the community you can even learn to make new things like kit, or swap kit with others, join in on group-buys receiving discount and many other benefits. Its defiantly a great place to be.
The true Spirit of Bushcraft
please can you tell me when you all get together again to do a week of camping and how do I join the group?
Warm Regards
Adeline & Ian Lennox