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Home Bushcraft Events Charity Survival Challenge (21st - 23rd May 2010 - Cornwall)

Charity Survival Challenge (21st - 23rd May 2010 - Cornwall)

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Footsteps Of Discovery can host your charity event using a survival theme. Events run from Friday to Sunday. Team sizes can be arranged to suit you, however the regular is size is four. The charity or cause for the monies raised is up to you. Food can be supplied by prior arrangement. Events can be open or confined to single organizations. The first night is spent in a tent or parachute shelter. The second night will be spent in a natural shelter that teams construct.
During the event challenges will be run to give an element of competition and then an overall winner is selected. Prizes and certificates can be arranged as required. All cutting tools are supplied.
COST £30 Per person.

Equipment & Clothing List

The following is a suggested list of items required for the course. Items marked with an * can be supplied by Footsteps if required.


  • Footwear to enable you to walk 2 miles cross country, and live in the woods for 2 days.
  • Warm socks and spare socks.
  • Old trousers or jeans: to provide protection from nettles and brambles.
  • Warm underwear.
  • Warm clothing: to offer protection from the elements.
  • Water proofs (if available).
  • Gloves.
  • Hat.
  • Survival Tin...

  • Contains essential items to enable you to survive in the wild. An information sheet is available on request.
  • Sleeping Bag

    Cutting Tool

  • A machete is provided for use on the course.
  • Personal Equipment

  • Rucksack or bag large enough to hold all of your gear.
  • Penknife or small sheath knife.
  • 20ft of string.
  • Cup or mug.
  • Spoon.
  • Water bottle or container.
  • Torch and spare batteries.
  • Tooth brush & paste.
  • Toiletry items as required.
  • Whistle, this is the emergency signal in the woods and should be carried at all times.
  • Bowl or plate.
  • Any medication.
  • Cigarettes (if needed).
  • A few plasters.
  • Footsteps do not sell any survival equipment. 
    We will be happy to give you our views on any kit that you are using.

    Frequently Asked Question

    How do I get to you?

    We are based in Cornwall. when you are confirmed on a course you will be sent detailed instructions by e-mail or post includinga map on how to find us. For those who travel by train, pick up from St Austell station can be arranged.

    Do I have to pay a deposit?

    Yes. we ask for a 25% deposit on booking with the balance paid on arrival at the course. You can pay by cheque (payable to Footsteps of Discovery) or cash.

    What equipment should I bring?

    See the Kit list page. Also a packing list will be included in your course instructions. Spanner and Chris are available to answer any questions by phone or e-mail; details are on the contacts page.

    Do I have to be fit?

    We are not running a boot camp and the course pace is dictated by you. We do train in the outdoors so common sense prevails.

    What if I don’t like any part of the course?

    Footsteps have a “walk away policy” if you don’t want to skin a rabbit for example, then you don’t have to (you don’t even have to watch, if it upsets you)

    What about bad weather?

    Protection from the elements is an important factor in any survival situation. We will provide shelter for central teaching activities. We also maintain a central fire for cooking and warming up. Your instructors are always on hand to advise and monitor the course for your safety.
    Comments (3)
    3 Sunday, 13 February 2011 14:26
    thomas giddings
    how old do you need to be to go??
    2 Sunday, 23 May 2010 18:11
    Fergus Stevenson
    Just got back ourselves, fantastic weekend and fun from start to finish, and next year Ashley, you boys got a bit of competition ;-)
    1 Sunday, 23 May 2010 14:18
    Ashley Cawley
    Just got back from Cornwall's Charity Survival Challenge; Superb weather, best time ever and we won! :D Photos & info to follow soon on NaturalBushcraft!

    Add your comment

    Your name:

    Natural Bushcraft is a personal project aiming to provide a free bushcraft resource available to everyone.

    Sharing Bushcraft Skills and Knowledge Freely regardless of age or status is important to me.

    Welcome to the...
    'The True Spirit of Bushcraft'

    Best wishes
    Ashley Cawley.

    UK Wild Food - Jan

    Listed here are Wild Foods that should be available in parts of the UK in January.

    Daisy leaf

    Gorse flower
    Greater Plantain
    Ribwort Plantain
    Buck's Horn Plantain (coastal)
    Scurvy Grass
    Sea beet
    Sea Radish
    Pennywort (particularly good at the moment)
    Alexanders (very good at the moment)
    Chirvil (be very careful , as Hemlock Water-Dropwort is starting to sprout now and looks very similar, but is deadly poisonous!)
    Sea Purslane
    Rock Samphire (still usable, but a bit over now, coastal)
    Rose Hips
    Common Sorrel
    Ivy-Leaved Toadflax
    Wood sorrel
    Three-cornered leek

    *These are just some of the wild edibles you will find in the UK this month.

    The Hedge Combers


    A beautiful blog by my friend Janie sharing tips on self-sufficiency, homemade recipes, growing fruit, veg & rearing animals for meat & eggs.

    Woodland Valley

    Woodland Valley an Organic Farm in the centre of Cornwall.
    A Bushcraft Friendly Campsite with Ancient Woodland and Group Accommodation  available.

    Another Bushcraft & Wilderness Skills website that I love, by a friend & superb Photographer Gary Waidson.

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