Calling the Cornish Contingent.
This coming weekend a group of us are taking part in a 'Survival Charity Challenge' at Trenowth Woods, Grampound Road, being run by Footsteps of Discovery who organised the Cornwall RV over Easter.
I have a spare place on our team that I need to fill. Basically, we arrive on Friday evening for a get together and something to eat and drink and then some more to drink. Overnight in the woods in hammocks, bivis, tents etc.
Saturday morning, breakfast, tuition from the instructors and then into the challenge tests. Last year there were a number of team initiative tests, some wild plant identification and a tomahawk throwing challenge. Then, it's lunch and down to our 'crash site' to build a natural shelter which we need to spend the night in.
Sunday morning back for breakfast, totting up the team scores and award of prizes.
This will not cost you a penny as my company are sponsoring the cost of two teams which is £240 and all food is provided. I even have some MOD rat packs to issue on arrival. One of our team members has had to drop out so I am offering this to one of you guys or gals. This is not a walk in the park but is a great weekend for free!!!
If you're interested, please let me know and we'll try to hook up.
Martin -
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More details here:
If anyone fancies a go next year, check out the Footsteps of Discovery website. I can guarantee a fantastic weekend and you will learn a lot. :o)