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Home Bushcraft Fire 7 Second Ember - Bowdrill Record for Ashley Cawley

7 Second Ember - Bowdrill Record for Ashley Cawley

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Short video showing Ashley Cawley of NaturalBushcraft producing a ember in 7 seconds of drilling using a bowdrill and then blowing that ember into life in a tinder-bundle.

This was a personal best and a record for Ashley Cawley.

The wood I used for this firebow is Sycamore for the drill and hearth board.
Do you think this could be a world record? Have you seen an ember produce quicker with a bowdrill? Leave your comments below.
Comments (11)
11 Tuesday, 31 December 2013 20:42
Ashley Cawley
It's nice to see other impressive attempts being post here but I would like to point out that the last two videos don't show the ember being produced into flame, the composition/texture and amount of the charred wood-dust differs when doing this so quickly & for short duration, it makes it harder to actually use that ember on to produce flame, so seeing it being blown into flame is important with these quick-attempts I think.

Also to "Bucks" - that chaps attempt was brilliant but it wasn't 2.7 seconds, it was two attempts worth of drilling as he reused what charred wood-dust he had from the previous attempt, so in reality probably more like 6-8 seconds of drilling. That's not to detract from his obvious brilliant skill, very impressed.

@ "Saint Cuthbert" - Again I would like to see the ember blown into life, but I know the "LearnBushcraft" chap is incredibly skilled at friction-fire lighting, I have yet to master hand-drill as good as that!
10 Tuesday, 10 December 2013 08:44
Here is a 2.7 second ember:
9 Thursday, 21 November 2013 10:07
Saint Cuthbert
Here is a sub five second hand drill ember:
8 Friday, 06 September 2013 16:00
Richard Whitaker from Zimbabwe.
Hilarious. I just did 3,89 seconds from cold to ember
7 Sunday, 11 November 2012 09:15
Derik Healy
Excellent! Just wanted you to know I posted this video on and it made front page! Hopefully there will be more views of your great videos. Thanks!
6 Friday, 12 October 2012 11:12
Ashley Cawley
Hi Alan,

It was tissue of all things! It was an incredibly damp day, we were under a tarp, we didn't actually anticipate racing (Justin and I) we were teaching others how to do Bow Drill at one of our Meets and Justin kept pestering me to race him as he recon'd he could get a sub 10 second ember which at the time I remember I didn't think was possible! So then we had a race & got the camera rolling, moments later I did it in just 7! I couldn't believe it, that'll teach Justin for wanting to race at the bow-drill!

It''s not about the speed though really when it comes to the bow-drill, this is just a bit of fun to experiment and see what is possible.
5 Friday, 12 October 2012 08:24
Alan F. Hall
Most excellent! What was the tinder under the drill that you caught the ember on?
4 Saturday, 04 June 2011 14:04
christopher williams
I found this web site where somebody could buy a fire drill/bow for £40.00. I of course did not feel the over ridding urge to buy one.
3 Saturday, 04 June 2011 14:00
christopher williams
You are the king of the fire drill. My record is 90 seconds. Again you are the king.
2 Sunday, 30 May 2010 18:11
Tristan Desnos
Impressive! Particularly as i've spent the afternoon trying to get to grips with this technique with nothing other than raised blood pressure as reward fro my efforts!
1 Tuesday, 18 May 2010 20:53
Robin Knight
Wow! Ashley that is seriously impressive. Now where's my bowdrill...

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Ashley Cawley.

UK Wild Food - Jan

Listed here are Wild Foods that should be available in parts of the UK in January.

Daisy leaf

Gorse flower
Greater Plantain
Ribwort Plantain
Buck's Horn Plantain (coastal)
Scurvy Grass
Sea beet
Sea Radish
Pennywort (particularly good at the moment)
Alexanders (very good at the moment)
Chirvil (be very careful , as Hemlock Water-Dropwort is starting to sprout now and looks very similar, but is deadly poisonous!)
Sea Purslane
Rock Samphire (still usable, but a bit over now, coastal)
Rose Hips
Common Sorrel
Ivy-Leaved Toadflax
Wood sorrel
Three-cornered leek

*These are just some of the wild edibles you will find in the UK this month.

The Hedge Combers


A beautiful blog by my friend Janie sharing tips on self-sufficiency, homemade recipes, growing fruit, veg & rearing animals for meat & eggs.

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