1. Game licences in England and Wales were abolished in 2007.
2. Game licences for Scotland can be obtained from a post office or through BASC Scotland. Game, for the purposes of the licence, means hare, pheasant, partridge, grouse, heath and moor game (red grouse) and black game (black grouse), woodcock, snipe, rabbit or deer (unenclosed land only (Game Licences Act 1860)).
3. Game licences in Northern Ireland can be obtained from post offices. Game which requires a licence includes hare, pheasant, partridge, woodcock, snipe, grouse or deer.
4. On the Isle of Man a game licence is required in order to shoot game and is available from the Treasury Office. Game is defined as pheasant, partridge, grouse or moor game and brown/common hare.
5. There is no requirement for a game licence on Guernsey but you must hold an appropriate firearm or shotgun certificate.
6. In Jersey there are no game seasons and therefore a game licence is not required.