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Home Bushcraft Kit / Reviews Axe - The Bushcraft Tool - Gransfors Bruks Hand Forged Axes for over 100 Years

Axe - The Bushcraft Tool - Gransfors Bruks Hand Forged Axes for over 100 Years

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The Bushcraft Tool

An Introduction to Gränsfors Bruks Axes

The axe is my favourite tool. If you asked me 'If you were stranded and you were only aloud one thing' Im sure it would be the axe. A good axe is strong and versatile and in times of need* it can be a useful precision cutting edge, a hammer, a wedge, help you with fire-lighting and much more.

There is only one Axe Maker I recommend: Gränsfors Bruks -


small forest axe gransfors bruksGränsfors Bruks (of Sweden) have been making some of the worlds best axes for over a centaury now, so with that record I think they deserve a bloody good plug here on this page :)

At first glance Gransfor Bruks Axe's might seem somewhat expensive and it might have you thinking is this 'high-quality' just all hype to get more money? No, its not, to back that up Gransfor Bruks give you a 20 year product guarantee, thats a sign of faith in that produce alright.

You might like to take a look at their ethics: "What we take, how and what we make, what we waste, is in fact a question of ethics. We have an unlimited responsibility for the Total. A responsibility which we try to take, but do not always succeed in. One part of this responsibility is the quality of the products and how many years the product will maintain its durability.
To make a high quality product is a way to pay respect and responsibility to the customer and the user of the product. A high quality product, in the hands of those who have learned how to use it and how to look after it, will very likely be more durable. This is good for the owner, the user. But this is good as well as part of a greater whole: increased durability means that we take less (decreased consumption of material and energy), that we need to produce less (gives us more time to do other things we think are important or enjoyable), destroy less (less waste).
One of the goals for Gränsfors Bruks is to make high quality durable products. As proof of this goal, and to show that we have a responsibility for the product, Gränsfors Bruks gives a 20 Year Product Guarantee. An "AXE-GUARANTEE-CARD" is included in the AXE-BOOK which comes with every axe. A qualification for the guarantee is that the advice in the AXE-BOOK is followed."

Choosing Your Axe

If you really haven't got the budget for it, of course you don't have to buy a high-quality Gransfors Burks Axe. You can sometimes find cheap axe's easily available at local hardware-stores or even supermarkets. I once had bought a axe from Lidel for just £3, I think it a did me for about a year and a half of light work, before it dangerously fell apart.

Anyway, your choice of axe is very much a personal preference, it will depend on numerous factors; your budget, rucksack-weight, your build, your intended use for the axe etc.leaf

If you are looking for a good log splitting axe that will sit at home beside your log pile then your obvious choice is a small or large Splitting Axe (shown below). With a large heavier axe head, the wedge shape will make lighter work of splitting logs than say a hatchet. If you want an axe that will follow you on camping-trips or hikes you may want to keep your sack as light as possible and go for a Mini-hatchet or Wildlife Hatchet. The most common choice of axe I have seen bushcratfer's use is either a Wildlife Hatchet or like me a Small Forest Axe. Below you can see the range of Gransfors Bruks Axes including their size and weight.

Range of Gransfors Bruks Axes and Hatchets Wildlife Small Forest Axe splitting carving large hunters scandinavian swedish


PDF Documents by Gransfors Bruks

- Ancient Northern European Axes (27 Pages) / 1.3MB

- Axe and Log Building Tools (2 Pages) / 2.4MB

- Log Building Tools - (4 Pages) / 0.2MB

- Replica Tomahawks - (1 Page) / 0.4MB




Comments (9)
9 Wednesday, 09 November 2011 17:38
Nicklas Odh
.. me too. I used my Wildlife hatchet for about three minutes, then I cut my index finger.

I keep telling people who cut themselves on tools that it's a love bite, the tool likes you. :)
8 Friday, 01 January 2010 21:58
Ashley Cawley
Yep, I can officially vouch they come shaving sharp! :p
7 Friday, 01 January 2010 19:05
Wetterlings axes are indeed great axes, the difference is in the finish. The grind on a Wetterlings isn't quite as well finished and will need a little work. The leather hood isn't as sturdy and well made as the GB either. Once the work is done on it, you'll have an axe every bit as usable as a GB. Having said that, I've re-profiled and reground axes that cost me £2 which have ended up exceptionally good axes. If you are prepared to put in the work you can end up with an extremely good axe for next to nothing.

The beauty of the GB is the high quality of the finish straight from the factory, usually shaving sharp!
6 Friday, 01 January 2010 18:50
Bernhard Hofmann
I've heard people say that Wetterlings is close or equal to Gransfors Bruks in terms of quality, but Wetterlings are significantly cheaper. Most importantly, I think Ashley's comment about sticking with what you have if it works for you is sound advice. I've also heard good things about Casstrom's axes, but I can't speak from personal experience with any of these; I have a cheap car-boot axe (unknown origin) that I can make sharp enough for axe work (I shave with an electric razor anyway). The poll (butt) of my axe has a split running all the way from top to bottom, which I imagine the wedge is driving apart, but it is still solid. Maybe I have struck it too many times whilst splitting tree trunks?
5 Wednesday, 30 December 2009 13:23
I have just recieved a husqvarna hatchet. Apparentley they are made by wetterlings wich is baisicly the same company as GFB according to someone that works for them. (read on another bushcraft website).
I am very pleased with it. A couple of strokes with a diamond steel was good enough to shave with. It's baisically the wildlife hatchet but for £20. Bargain. Highly reccomended if like me you cant justify spending £60 on a hatchet.
4 Sunday, 11 October 2009 11:16
Ashley Cawley
If the axe you've got at the moment works well, that's all you need! Seriously if you've got any handcrafted axe from Sweden and the quality seems good.. I'd be very happy with that and not bother looking much further :)
3 Sunday, 11 October 2009 04:12
clint walker
The reason I was asking was that I was given a wetterlings hunters axe , and after a little work and a run across the strop, I had it shaving sharp. It carves well and performes better than any other I've used. I have compared the two and the main difference seems to be the price. both are made in Sweden from top quality steel and craftsmanship. I do know that Gransfors Bruks has a rich history. Think I'll do more research.
2 Thursday, 08 October 2009 06:06
Ashley Cawley
I don't know Clint, I've never used a Wetterlings myself, does anyone who has care to comment?
1 Thursday, 08 October 2009 04:18
clint walker
I have just one question . What is the difference in Gransfors Bruks and Wetterlings, as for as quality?

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'The True Spirit of Bushcraft'

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Ashley Cawley.

UK Wild Food - Jan

Listed here are Wild Foods that should be available in parts of the UK in January.

Daisy leaf

Gorse flower
Greater Plantain
Ribwort Plantain
Buck's Horn Plantain (coastal)
Scurvy Grass
Sea beet
Sea Radish
Pennywort (particularly good at the moment)
Alexanders (very good at the moment)
Chirvil (be very careful , as Hemlock Water-Dropwort is starting to sprout now and looks very similar, but is deadly poisonous!)
Sea Purslane
Rock Samphire (still usable, but a bit over now, coastal)
Rose Hips
Common Sorrel
Ivy-Leaved Toadflax
Wood sorrel
Three-cornered leek

*These are just some of the wild edibles you will find in the UK this month.

The Hedge Combers


A beautiful blog by my friend Janie sharing tips on self-sufficiency, homemade recipes, growing fruit, veg & rearing animals for meat & eggs.

Woodland Valley

Woodland Valley an Organic Farm in the centre of Cornwall.
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