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Home Bushcraft Kit / Reviews Svord Peasant Knife Review

Svord Peasant Knife Review

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Justin Telford of NaturalBushcraft reviews the Svord Peasant Knife. Made with New Zealand steel, this simple folding knife is quick and easy to open with just one hand. The size of the blade (3") and the fact that the blade dosen't lock makes it a UK Legal carry. Justin gives his thoughts on how to customise and improve this wonderful little knife.
Available at Heinnie Haynes
Comments (7)
7 Friday, 05 April 2013 18:34
Dan Bake
Hi ive been looking at the knife and im wandering which type is better the metal handed on or the wood handled one?
6 Wednesday, 25 April 2012 22:47
John Webb
It's such a great knife if only the sheath matched it. I wish a decent wet form neck or belt sheath was available for it.
5 Tuesday, 23 February 2010 22:41
Darren Turner
I have one too and used it as a back up to my fixed blade. I like the fact the you can use the 'tang' to strike your fire steel with the blade closed, this does however dig into your palm with the blade extended.

Great review guys

4 Monday, 01 February 2010 19:48
hi nice review,ive had one of these for a while now and they are a good tool.
i think i will have to re-finish the handle now as yours looks great.
to anyone wondering about plastic version v wood,the wood version is so much nicer to use and hold,though the plastic one seems to be a more rust resistant steel.
3 Sunday, 31 January 2010 23:26
Hi John

I've not seen it for sale with a sheath anywhere except the official Svord website. It is my current choice for an every day carry, I love it! I've tried many knives to supersede my (illegal) Opinel, but nothing came close to this knife in my opinion. Even if I could legally carry an Opinel, I wouldn't go back, I'd still go with the Svord.

2 Sunday, 31 January 2010 22:24
john cashmore
Hi justin would the svord peasant knife be a good work tool to use every day and does it come with a sheath. Thank's john.
1 Sunday, 31 January 2010 15:26
great mate . a legal knife that i can carry and not have to worry about it seams like you get alot for what u pay for too .
definaltaly a future investmant

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Ashley Cawley.

UK Wild Food - Jan

Listed here are Wild Foods that should be available in parts of the UK in January.

Daisy leaf

Gorse flower
Greater Plantain
Ribwort Plantain
Buck's Horn Plantain (coastal)
Scurvy Grass
Sea beet
Sea Radish
Pennywort (particularly good at the moment)
Alexanders (very good at the moment)
Chirvil (be very careful , as Hemlock Water-Dropwort is starting to sprout now and looks very similar, but is deadly poisonous!)
Sea Purslane
Rock Samphire (still usable, but a bit over now, coastal)
Rose Hips
Common Sorrel
Ivy-Leaved Toadflax
Wood sorrel
Three-cornered leek

*These are just some of the wild edibles you will find in the UK this month.

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